Is It True That Breast Size Can Affect The Quality Of Breast Milk?

JAKARTA - God created humans with various differences. Also applies to women who have different body shapes. One of them is the shape and size of the breast.

Some women have large, small, round, oval, wide, narrow, symmetrical, full, or droopy breasts. Although different, all the types of breasts that have been mentioned are normal.

Often women wonder whether the size or shape of the breasts will affect their ability to breastfeed? This is what you need to know about breast size and shape with the breastfeeding process.

The size of a woman's breast is based on the amount of fat tissue contained in it. Women with small breasts have less fat tissue and women with large breasts have more fat tissue. However, it is not the fatty tissue that makes up breast milk, but rather the tissue of the breast glands that produces milk.

Unlike fat, the amount of milk-producing tissue in the breast is not always related to breast size, you know. Women of various breast sizes are able to produce healthy milk for their babies. In addition, milk supply is not determined by the size or shape of the woman's breasts, but rather by the intensity of the breastfeeding baby. The more frequently the baby is breastfed, the more breast milk production increases.

Women with small breasts often worry that they will not be able to produce enough milk for their babies. As long as small breasts are not caused by hypoplastic breasts, that shouldn't be a problem. Women who have small breasts can still produce enough milk for their babies.

Breastfeeding with large breasts can be awkward at first, but it shouldn't be a serious problem. However, it is important to find a comfortable position if the baby is having difficulty feeding.

Some women who have large breasts are concerned that their breasts will block the baby's nose from breathing while feeding, but this is usually nothing to worry about. If the baby's nose is blocked while feeding, he will open his mouth and release the breasts so he can breathe. If that worries me, use a finger to press the breast near the baby's nose.