TPNB-OPM Threatens Certain Races And Institutions In Papua, Polri Affirms Will To Take Decisive Action

JAKARTA - The National Police emphasized that they will anticipate all issues that arise about Papua. The prosecution included the matter of the West Papua National Liberation Army-Free Papua Organization (TPNPB-OPM) which would eradicate certain races as well as the TNI-Polri in Papua.

"Currently, efforts are still being made by the TNI and Polri. If there are these efforts (from TPNPB-OPM), of course the TNI and Polri will try hard, once again how to create a safe and peaceful Papua land," said Karo Penmas. The National Police's Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono, told reporters, Monday, May 3.

The National Police did not disclose concrete steps to eradicate the KKB terrorists. The National Police only emphasized that all things that were dangerous would be anticipated in certain ways.

"Just the issues, the important thing is we have all anticipated. TNI-Polri and also assisted by other agencies. The people there are also trying to create, try to create a peaceful Papua, a safe Papua," he said.

There is also the TPNPB-OPM threatening to campaign to destroy members of the TNI-Polri up to a certain race. A new threat will be made if the international community and members of the United Nations (UN) do not step in to help the Papuan people to determine their own destiny.

The threat conveyed by the TPNPB-OPM Diplomatic Council Amatus Akouboo Douw was a response to the Indonesian government's decision to label the TPNPB-OPM and the armed criminal group (KKB) Papua as terrorists.

"If Indonesia continues terror and genocide against the civilian population of West Papua (as has happened for almost 60 years) and the international community does not join in being labeled as Terrorists, TPNPB-OPM Threatens the Campaign to Annihilate TNI-Polri to Jawacampur people, TPNPB-OPM will announce a campaign to destroy not only illegal military members who occupied Papua, but also illegal Javanese and other settlers who stole the customary lands and resources of the West Papuan people, "Amatus said in his statement.