Update On COVID-19 As Of April 17: The Number Of Cured Cases Is More Than The Dead

JAKARTA - Government spokesman for the handling of COVID-19 Achmad Yurianto (Yuri) explained that there were an additional 407 positive patients for the corona virus or COVID-19 as of Friday, April 17. Thus, a total of 5,923 positive patient cases.

In addition to the addition of positive patients, there is other good news, namely the number of cases recovered is more than the number of cases died. There are an additional 59 patients recovered per day, bringing the total to 607 patients. Meanwhile, 24 patients died, bringing the total to 520 patients.

The distribution of recovered patients was mostly in DKI Jakarta with 204 patients, East Java with 94 patients, South Sulawesi with 43 patients, West Java with 41 patients, Bali and Central Java with 36 patients.

"We are grateful that now there are 607 people who have recovered. Of course this will continue to increase in quite a large number in the next few days," Yuri said at a press conference at Graha BNPB, Central Jakarta, Friday, April 17.

The increase in the number also occurred in patient data under surveillance (PDP) with a total of 12,610 people. Meanwhile, cases of people under monitoring (ODP) increased to 173,000.

People who have tested 37,000 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) specimens. The current positive result is 5,923 people. The negative results reached 31,211 people.

Furthermore, Yuri conveyed 6 directives from President Joko Widodo to the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19. First, the Task Force conducted sample testing more aggressively. This testing is carried out massively through close contact tracing of positive cases.

"This effort is made in order to limit positive cases which we believe to be the source of transmission. We can limit them so as not to contract with vulnerable groups, causing new infections," he said.

Second, the Task Force is obliged to provide medical consultations using technology. This is aimed at reducing movement to the hospital which will increase the risk of transmission. Many telemedicine services have been prepared.

Third, communication and government directions must be carried out in an effective, detailed and transparent manner to all parties. The task force must ensure that the communications we convey to the public can be understood and can be carried out properly.

Fourth, there are strong disciplinary efforts to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic in the community. Law enforcement will be carried out with the assistance of state officials. "This is our goal so that the instructions and directions that we have made can be implemented with discipline. This is our main asset to break the chain of transmission," he said.

Fifth, all parties are asked to provide guarantees for the smooth flow of logistics. However, the logistical needs that must be distributed from the center to the regions must continue to run smoothly.

Finally, the economic stimulus policy formulated by the government must be truly on target and focus on breaking the chain of transmission of COVID-19.