Fatimah Az Zahra Could Be A Competitor For Ustaz Abdul Somad's Da'wah

JAKARTA - After marrying Ustaz Abdul Somad, the name Fatimah Az Zahra immediately skyrocketed on the Google search engine. The loss of traces of the 19-year-old woman's social media accounts also added to the public's curiosity about her figure. Can this young woman balance Ustaz Abdul Somad?

Fatimah was not an arbitrary woman when UAS chose her to be his wife. She is a student at the Darussalam Gontor Putri Modern Pondok in Mantingan. Fatimah is also known to be a hafizah since she was a child.

Prior to Gontor, Fatimah had graduated from the Al-Muqoddasah Islamic Boarding School which created the hafiz-hafizah generation of the Qur'an. This cottage was inaugurated on October 18, 1992.

Fatimah is known to have served at Al Muqoddasah Islamic Boarding School for one year and has returned to Jombang. Fatimah was a student at the Ponpes for 3 years.

His popularity has risen sharply because many people are curious about this figure. This can be seen from the emergence of several social media accounts under the name Fatimah.

However, the authenticity of the account cannot be accounted for because in fact UAS did not mark his wife's account when announcing marriage.

With her beautiful potential, still young, and memorizing the Al Quran, it is not impossible that Fatimah could be a companion to Ustaz Abdul Somad in preaching. At a very young age, Fatimah's easy hafidzah is expected to be one of the UAS's right hand in delivering her da'wah.

Given his popularity, which immediately skyrocketed, netizens predict that one day he will become a figure that is quite respected. In fact, he has become a 'rival' to Ustadz Adbul Somad in the spread of Islam.

However, that is only a prediction of netizens. No one knows what will happen next. Will Fatimah Az Zahra's future shine even more after marrying Ustaz Abdul Somad? Only time that can answer.