Hope Continues To Exist After The Recovery Rate Overcomes The Death Rate Due To COVID-19 In Indonesia

JAKARTA - The number of recovered COVID-19 patients in Indonesia has now managed to overtake the number of those who died after contracting the virus. However, this incident actually did not only happen on Thursday, April 16th. The cure rate is higher than the death rate due to this virus, which often occurs even though the community does not realize it.

Based on the data summarized from netray.id, we note that several times the number of recovered patients exceeds the number of world patients. Graphs from official data belonging to the National Disaster Management Agency (BNBP) on this site noted that on March 14, the number of people who had recovered reached 6 people while those who died at that time were only one person.

Furthermore, on March 17, it was recorded that no patient died while there were 1 patient who recovered.

This incident repeated itself on March 27th. At that time, there were 11 patients who were declared cured, while 9 patients died. Then, this positive result also occurred last March 30th. The number of recovered patients reached 11 people and 8 patients who died.

On April 1, the number of patients who recovered reached 22 people. Only one point difference from the number of those who died.

Although the number of recovered patients had dropped on April 2. This figure then rose again and that week, the highest rate of recovery occurred on April 6, with the number reaching 28 patients being declared cured while those who died reached 11 people on the same day.

Although it tended to fluctuate afterwards, the number of patients who were declared cured again rose dramatically on April 12, reaching 73 patients while the number of patients who left was 46 people.

This figure then increased dramatically four days later, on April 16 yesterday, the number of those who recovered reached 102 patients while those who died totaled 27 people. So, currently there are 548 patients who have been declared cured.

Capture old Netray screens of patient data recovering and patients dying of COVID-19

Reflecting on the hundreds of patients who have recovered, the government believes this virus can be cured. This was conveyed by the spokesman for handling COVID-19, Achmad Yurianto some time ago.

"We are grateful that so far there have been more than 359 cases that have recovered. This is our optimism that COVID-19 can be cured well," Yurianto said in a press conference held virtually on the official BNPB account, Sunday, April 12.

Yurianto also said that COVID-19 can be cured. According to him, the corona virus can be cured by itself based on the immunity of the infected person's body and there is no need to wait for drugs or vaccines.

"That's why we don't have to wait for drugs or vaccines. Globally, more people are cured than those who died from this disease," he said.

It is known, currently there are 2,181,308 cases of COVID-19 worldwide with the number of those who recovered reaching 547,069 people and those who died as many as 145,471 people.

Returning to the question of the recovery rate in Indonesia, Yurianto said those who were declared cured also did not undergo specific treatment. Their treatment, he said, had only increased endurance.

For positive cases that are asymptomatic, Yurianto said, it is enough for people to self-isolate at home while being monitored by health workers.