The Cry "Kill Bolsonaro!" Welcoming The Dismissal Of The Brazilian Minister Of Health At A Crucial Period Of COVID-19

JAKARTA - Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro dismissed the Minister of Health (Menkes) of Brazil, Luiz Henrique Mandetta, on Thursday, April 16. The dismissal came after the two sides disputed over how to fight COVID-19. Bolsonaro is adamant about ending the stay-at-home order that he says is hurting the economy.

"I just received notification of my dismissal from President Jair Bolsonaro," Mandetta said on Twitter.

"I want to thank you for the opportunity given to me, to manage our health services and for planning our fight against the coronavirus epidemic, the great challenge our health system will face," he added.

Shortly after Mandetta's dismissal was announced, Bolsonaro claimed that it constituted a "consensual separation". However, the statement suggests that Bolsonaro is dissatisfied with Mandetta's policies having an impact on the economy.

"I know ... Life is precious. But the economy and jobs have to get back to normal," said Bolsonaro, as he introduced his new health minister, Nelson Teich, an oncologist who is the CEO of a group of private clinics and now a partner in consulting services. medical.

According to The Guardian, Friday 17 April, Mandetta's dismissal had been anticipated for weeks. Bolsonaro has repeatedly underestimated COVID-19 and urged the easing of social distancing measures, while Mandetta said the policy must continue to be enforced.

Public reaction

However, the move to fire Brazil's most senior health official comes weeks before the virus is expected to peak in the country. The confirmed cases have soared to more than 30,000 cases. When news of the dismissal broke, chants of "Kill Bolsonaro!" was heard in Rio de Janeiro and protests erupted in cities across the country.

"It makes no sense to change the minister of health in the midst of a pandemic," said a Rio de Janeiro intensive care doctor, speaking on condition of anonymity.

"It is a terrible decision made by a president, the president should be imprisoned in empirical ideas with no scientific or clinical basis, which are against everything that happens in the world."

Bolsonaro's calls for Brazilians to return to work and his efforts to reopen local government have shocked critics and sparked political uprisings by local authorities in nearly all of Brazil's 27 states.

On the other hand, every time he conducts daily briefings, Mandetta advises all Brazilians to follow the advice of the state government for social distancing and stay at home.

"Don't think that we will avoid a sharp increase in cases of this disease. The health system is still not ready to deal with such a rapid increase," Mandetta said.

Minister of Health Henrique Mandetta (Twitter / @ henriquemandetta)

The promise of a new Minister of Health

Brazil's new health minister, Nelson Teich, who was asked at a press conference about positions at the ministry after he was given responsibility, said there would be no sudden changes in policy. However, he added: There is complete harmony between me and the President.

Teich, who founded the oncology group that was sold to United Healthcare in 2015, has no political experience. Senator Olimpio, Bolsonaro's former right-hand man in Congress, praised Mandetta for sticking to scientific principles in the public health crisis and urged the new minister to maintain the need for isolation measures.

“Teich has maintained the rules of social distancing. If he continues to enforce this rule, he will have serious problems with President Bolsonaro and will not last up to 30 days in government or, he will have to undermine his title and go against the entire global scientific community, "Olimpio said.

The spread of COVID-19 in Brazil stands at 30,891 confirmed cases, with around 200 cases per day. The total number of patients who died was 1,952.