Munarman Checks In At 15 Hotels With Lily Sofia, Ade Armando: His Behavior Does Not Reflect The Struggle To Defend Islam

JAKARTA - Communication expert from the University of Indonesia, Ade Armando questioned the credibility of former FPI officials, Munarman as an Islamic fighter.
According to him, the latest fact that was revealed in a viral video that strongly suspected of being him at a hotel was quite a contrast to the picture that had been shown to the public so far.
“Lily's name has gone viral and is known because of her photos and videos. She is a female character in a video entitled 20 Hours with Lily Sofia: The Secretary-General of the FPI's Love”, said Ade as quoted on Sunday, May 2.
According to him, the video, which has the derivative title Love and Syahwat Munarman and Lily Sofia, contains a CCTV recording scene showing Munarman and a woman checking into a hotel.
"We know only Lily and Munarman came separately at a hotel and 20 hours later came out of the hotel together", he said.
In his statement, Ade was reluctant to comment further on Munarman and Lily's motivation for entering the same hotel room.
"The audience is welcome to conclude for themselves what they are doing", he said.
However, Ade had doubts about the popular recording in cyberspace. However, these doubts were immediately dismissed thanks to the confirmation made by someone close to Munarman's own circle.
"At first I still doubted this video was genuine or engineered. But those doubts vanished when Munarman's lawyer, Ichwan Tuankotta, said the pair in the video were Munarman and Lily. It's just that, said Ichwan, Lily is not an affair with Munarman, but his second wife who has been married since 2019", he explained.
The clarification and denial by Munarman's attorney did not necessarily subside Ade's astonishment. The reason is, Lily, who came first to book a hotel at the front desk, seemed quite anxious in completing the administrative transaction.
"Likewise, when Munarman came later, he seemed to be walking very hurriedly to the elevator which took him to room 701", added Ade.
Then, it was said that when they left the room 20 hours later, Munarman also appeared to be on guard looking at the surrounding conditions.
For Ade, the scene does not reflect the intimate relationship between a legitimate husband and wife. Moreover, information was also leaked indicating that they both checked in at 15 different hotels.
“The question is if they are a legitimate husband and wife, why do they often have to stay at hotels? If it is a legitimate partner, why be nervous? Moreover, it was later discovered that on her social media, Lily wrote her status that she was single, aka not married. So, Ichwan's answer is clearly odd”, explained Ade.
The University of Indonesia academician considered Munarman's unusual behavior to be morally unethical. Moreover, is the Secretary-General of the FPI, the commander of the army for the defense of Islam, a figure who has shouted out the importance of Islamic law and sharia.
“But with the disclosure of his scandal with Lily, we deserve to see his Islamic struggle as a fake struggle. Munarman is Fake”, said Ade.