Coming To Birthday, Powerslaves Presents New Single For COVID-19 Medical Team

JAKARTA - The outbreak of COVID-19 or the corona virus in almost all parts of the world does not only affect the economy and politics, but also on the world of entertainment. There are countless musicians who have to cancel or postpone their appearances at a number of events. However, Powerslaves did not stand still. They chose to release a new single titled Stare at Me in digital format since April 7 yesterday as a form of support for health vanguard fighters dealing with the corona virus.

Releasing works in the middle of a social distancing process that requires everyone to stay indoors to avoid the spread of the corona outbreak is not new. Several bands, especially overseas, have already done so. However, if the theme of the lyrics in the song that was released was in accordance with the current tragedy, it would be something special.

Not a long time, you know. Powerslaves is not looking for a profit at all. The reason is - after being released in digital format - this song will also be released on a CD where any profits from the sale of the CD single will be donated for handling COVID-19.

"This is a song about humanity. This song is more to support fighters in the front line of health (doctors, medical personnel). So the lyrics of this song are very suitable for the current world conditions," said bassist Anwar Fatahillah.

This song was recorded four years ago at Studio Royale, Bintaro when guitarist Andry Muhammad was still joining the band for the second time. After being unpublished for a long time, now is the perfect time to make it public.

The contribution of all Powerslaves members to this song is very noticeable. Their chemistry is also very strong. The musical communication between Anwar Fatahillah and Andry Muhammad, which has been clicking for a long time, is something that is interesting in this song. The choice of sound also fits perfectly with the theme of the lyrics.

Even so, the musical alliance of Wiwiex Soedarno (keyboard) with Andry Muhammad. They understand each other very well, where every song is always sounded harmonious without anyone beating each other. Not to mention the filling of Agung Yudha's drum, which adds color to it.

The idea of making this song, said Wiwiex Soedarno, departed from everyday life - both from a personal side and when they saw the situation around them.

"We want all levels of society to accept this single because of its universal lyric theme and we also happen to make it in English. One more thing, at the end of the chorus there are children's voices which increasingly represent how universal this song is," explained Wiwiex.

"At first, chatting with Heydi Ibrahim (vocals), he said; 'Make a low-pitched song, so I can keep it old'. I looked for references and finally found this song," said Anwar Fatahillah.

In terms of music, in this song Powerslaves emphasizes a more contemporary color without losing their true identity. With a touch of acoustic guitar and cello sounds on the intro, Stare at Me sounds very natural

How about the lyrics? "What is clear is that I always associate the lyric problem with the process of surrendering myself to God," said Heydi Ibrahim.

"I have a small child and a wife. Age is indeed in God's hands and we must surrender. But if this takes the lives of our loved ones, as a human it will be difficult for me to express how this feeling," he continued.

Another thing that is no less important, this song will be released ahead of Powerslaves' 29th anniversary which falls on April 19. What points can Powerslaves share with their fanatical fans, Slavers Indonesia?

"This is a work that inspires empathy for the victims of COVID-19. We ask fans and the general public to take care of themselves, their families and their respective environments. Stay at home and also maintain stamina and cleanliness and provide support to medical personnel who are working hard to deal with this corona virus, "concluded Anwar Fatahillah.