17-year-old Girl In Tapin South Kalimantan, Sadistically Killed, Face Bruised, Ears Bleeding

JAKARTA - The joint team of the Tapin Police and South Kalimantan Regional Police has succeeded in arresting a man who is suspected of being involved in the murder of the granddaughter of the former Tapin Regent, NBR (17).

"We have secured it at the Tapin Police, the perpetrator was arrested Saturday afternoon in Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police, AKP I Kade Dwi Suryawandika in Rantau, as reported by Antara, Saturday, May 1.

As a result of the interrogation, it was found that the perpetrator had the initials MA and was around 30 years old. He lives in Tapin Regency.

"We will carry out further examinations of the perpetrators, to find out the motive, mode and type of crime. Soon we will inform you of the results," he said.

Previously, police records from witness testimony, On Sunday, April 25 at around 08.00 WITA, the 17-year-old girl was found dead on the second floor in a room on her back.

The victim's neck was wrapped in a sheet and there were bruises on the face to the neck and bleeding from the ears.

The location of the case was on A Yani Street, Rantau Kanan Village, North Tapin District.

The house is known to belong to H. Nasrullah (the victim's uncle) who is now an active member of the Tapin DPRD. The victim has lived with her relatives there for a long time.

The victims are the grandchildren of the seventh former Tapin Regent, the late H Ahmad Makkie and the son of H Fajar Safari as Deputy Secretary of the Branch Management of Nahdlatul Ulama (PCNU) Tapin. The victim was buried in Maqbarah Al Mubarak.