Polri Will Provide Legal Assistance To FPI Laskar Unlawful Killing Suspects

JAKARTA - The National Police will provide legal assistance to two Polda Metro Jaya personnel who are suspects in the unlawful killing case. This assistance is provided at the trial stage.

"If asked about the connection with assistance that in the Police there is a legal division where there we prepare police lawyers to provide assistance to members who are dealing with the law. Of course there is," said Head of Penum, Public Relations Division of the National Police, Kombes Ahmad Ramadhan to reporters, Friday. , April 30th.

But for now, Polri is more focused on waiting for the results of investigation of case files by the Attorney General's Office (Kejagung). This is because, if it is declared incomplete, the investigator must complete the deficiencies in both formal and formal terms.

"Investigators will wait for improvements to be made. When there are improvements investigators will complete them, but when it is declared complete, investigators will immediately submit stage 2," he said.

The investigation files for the alleged unlawful killing case were submitted to the Supreme Procuratorate some time ago. The suspects in this case were two members of Polda Metro Jaya with the initials F and Y. Meanwhile, for another suspect, EPZ, his investigation was stopped because he was dead.

"Dittipidum Bareskrim Polri has carried out the stages of investigation, namely the submission of case files for the km 50 case, the death of 4 FPI soldiers allegedly committed by brothers F and Y," said Head of Penum, National Police Public Relations Division Kombes Ahmad Ramadhan to reporters, Tuesday, April 27.

Meanwhile, the EPZ suspect case file was not transferred. Referring to Article 109 paragraph 2, the investigation and investigation process is terminated because the person has passed away.

"Suspect 3, brother F, brother Y, and the late EPZ. EPZ died so that based on Article 109 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Procedure Code, the investigation of the person concerned is stopped," said Ramadhan.

three members of the Polda Metro Jaya were named suspects in the case of the unlawful killing, the shooting of the FPI army. This determination was based on the Police Report (LP) model A after receiving a recommendation from Komnas HAM.

However, one of the three suspects with the initials EPZ died. He was involved in a single accident.

This unlawful killing case is the second in a series of cases of clashes between members of the police and six soldiers of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI).

The police at that time were forced to shoot four members of the FPI laskar. But the shooting was allegedly considered an unlawful killing because the police did not make other efforts to avoid the loss of life.