Civil Servants Of The DKI Jakarta Transportation Service Caught In Possession Of Crystal Methamphetamine In Aceh

JAKARTA - A Civil Servant (PNS) on duty at the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, HH (37), was arrested by the Narcotics Detective Unit of the Banda Aceh Police in the area of Lam Ara Village, Banda Raya District, the local city for having crystal methamphetamine.

"We arrested the civil servant of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Service at his house, and found a methamphetamine suction device that was placed on the dining table," said Kasatresnarkoba Banda Aceh Police AKP Rustam Nawawi, in Banda Aceh, as reported by Antara, Friday, April 30.

AKP Rustam said, HH (37) is a resident of Cempaka Baru Village, DKI Jakarta who is currently in Banda Aceh, he was arrested by the police because he had a type of crystal methamphetamine weighing 5.30 grams.

The arrest was the result of a development carried out on the basis of the arrest of another suspect, namely AR (37) in the Lowak market area, Lampaseh Aceh, Banda Aceh on the same day.

"The arrests of the two suspects were linked to each other. AR often used narcotics of the type of crystal meth. At that point, the police conducted investigations and arrested the suspects," he said.

Rustam said, after an examination of AR, he admitted that he bought it through an intermediary for HH and shared sharing at HH's residence.

Not long after, continued Rustam, the HH suspect was arrested by the police at his residence, and when he was searched, the police found evidence in the form of a methamphetamine suction device, which was located on the dining table of his house.

"During the investigation, the suspect AR admitted that three packets of crystal methamphetamine were ordered from a man through an intermediary for HH as much as one package worth Rp 3 million, with a payment agreement that if the crystal is sold, it will be paid to the owner," he said.

Rustam said that his party had secured evidence in the form of three packs of narcotic shabu-type plastic weighing 5.30 grams, two HP units, one Pirex glass, one clear plastic dropper, three clear plastics, two packs of cigarette boxes, one roll of clear plastic and a unit of Yamaha Mio.

"The two suspects are currently detained by the Banda Aceh Police and charged under Article 112 paragraph (1) of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics with the threat of 20 years imprisonment," said AKP Rustam.