In The Case Of The Used Rapid Antigen Test, Kimia Farma's Shares Have Increased By 5 Percent To The Level Of Rp. 2,800

JAKARTA - The share price of a pharmaceutical company, PT Kimia Farma Tbk, closed higher in trading this weekend, Friday, April 30. The incident about Kimia Farma officers using used COVID-19 rapid antigen test kits does not appear to have affected the stock price of the state-owned pharmaceutical issuer.

Based on RTI data, Kimia Farma's shares ended up 5.26 percent or 140 points to the level of Rp2,800 per share. On the previous day, the issuer coded as KAEF was closed at the level of Rp2,660 per share.

KAEF's trading volume was recorded at 11.67 million shares, transacted as much as 4,984 times, with a value of IDR 33.10 billion. KAEF has a market capitalization of IDR 15.55 trillion.

Previously it was reported, PT Kimia Farma Tbk officially dismissed unscrupulous officers after being named suspects by the North Sumatra Regional Police in the case of reusing the antigen rapid test kit at Kualanamu Airport, North Sumatra.

In addition to dismissing individual officers, Kimia Farma also handed over the handling of the case to the authorities to be legally processed in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations in order to provide maximum punishment for all actions of irresponsible individuals.

"Kimia Farma is committed to evaluating and strengthening the implementation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) to ensure that all operational activities are in accordance with applicable regulations, as an effort to prevent similar incidents from recurring," said Kimia Farma Corporate Secretary, Replace Winarno, in a written statement, Friday 30. April.

BUMN Minister Erick Thohir strongly condemns and takes firm action against unscrupulous Kimia Farma officers who use used equipment in the Rapid Test or Antigen Rapid Test at Kualanamu airport, North Sumatra.

"I myself asked all those related to, to know, and those who did it to be dismissed and strictly prosecuted," said Erick Thursday, April 29.

According to Erick, the actions of these individuals must be rewarded with a very strict punishment. Erick could not understand why this very unethical and health hazardous act occurred.

The BUMN Minister himself has asked his staff to conduct a thorough examination. According to him, the actions of these individuals betrayed the public service profession in the health sector. Not only that, he regrets that there are still people who take opportunities that are detrimental and endanger the lives of others.

"Of course, for the legal side, we will submit it to the authorities in charge. But on the other hand, the procedural and organizational examinations must be carried out thoroughly. There is no tolerance! I myself will go down to conduct an evaluation," said Erick.