There Has Been No Decision To Stop Water Privatization, PSI Asks Anies To Take Inventory Of PAM Jaya Water Assets

JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan has yet to take a stand on whether to terminate the drinking water management contract with the private sector or to extend water privatization.

However, the Jakarta DPRD PSI faction asked Anies to start an inventory of water assets belonging to the DKI BUMD, PAM Jaya, with the private sector, namely PT Aetra and PT Palyja. Given, the KPK also recommended Anies to stop water privatization.

"An asset inventory and due deligence are needed for existing contracts. Because, to our knowledge in the DPRD, until now there has been no data collection on all clean water assets and have carried out calculations or due diligence for investigations into private investment in the clean water sector," said a member of the faction. PSI DPRD DKI Eneng Malianasari told reporters, Thursday, April 29.

Furthermore, PSI asked Anies to determine which assets would be returned to the government and which assets would still be controlled by the private sector.

In general, clean water management assets consist of two parts, namely a water treatment plant (WTP) for clean water production and a water distribution pipe to customers.

The distribution pipeline is already clear and will be given to the DKI Pemprov. But there are still disputes over whether the WTP will also be handed over to the DKI Provincial Government.

"So that this problem does not drag on, a thorough and in-depth study must be immediately carried out by a credible independent team," said Eneng.

Then, Anies was asked to carry out a transition process for clean water management. This process starts from the transfer of the payment system to preparing human resources to carry out operations and maintenance of clean water infrastructure. This includes transferring human resources from the private sector to PAM Jaya.

“This management transition may take around 6 to 12 months. The contract duration between the DKI Provincial Government and the private sector is less than 2 years, therefore we hope that Mr. Anies will immediately take steps to take over the management of clean water from the private sector. Don't waste any more time, "he said.