Chairman Of The KPK Supervisory Board Denies Being An Obstacle To Corruption Eradication

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean, denied that his party was an obstacle to the performance of the KPK.

"Dewas is not an obstacle for the KPK in carrying out its duties and authorities. We are committed to fully supporting what the KPK leadership will do, including structural officials in eradicating corruption," said Tumpak, Thursday, April 29.

He emphasized that the existence of the supervisory board currently strengthens the KPK. In addition, his party also provides a number of guarantees for the steps taken by the KPK in carrying out its duties.

"We just want to straighten out whether there is a lack of authority (investigation, investigation, ed). Dewas provides guarantees of legal certainty, public interest in the direction taken by the KPK," he said.

Tumpak also denied that there was an assumption that his party would extend the procedure in investigating corruption cases. "I don't think so," he said.

According to him, during a year of the existence of the KPK Supervisory Board, there had never been anything done to slow down the work on corruption eradication.

"So the oblique voice outside does not match the facts and is not true," he said.

"The existence of an adult is to provide complete support for the implementation of duties and authorities. So, what is done is in accordance with the principles stated in Law 19 of 2019," he concluded.