Menpora: 2021 The Right Time To Restore And Revive Indonesian Sports

JAKARTA - The Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) Zainudin Amali became the keynote speaker at the 'International Conference on Sports, Health, and Physical Education' (THE 5th ISMINA).

The activity entitled, Transformation on Sports, Health and Physical Education Facing The Global Pandemic was held by the Sports Science Faculty, Semarang State University, Wednesday, April 28 morning.

This activity was attended by Semarang State University Chancellor Prof. Dr. Fathur Rokhman, M. Hum, Dean of the Faculty of Sports, State University of Semarang, Prof. Dr. Tandiyo Rahayu, M.Pd, President of the International Council of Sports and Physical Education, Dr Uri Schaefer, Hayono Isman, President of ACPES from PESS-NIE Nayang Technological University, Singapore, Prof. Koh Koon Teck, Ph, D, Seoul National University, South Korea, Prof. Dr. Joon Ho Kang.

Also attending were the Department of Health and Physical Education, Hong Kong University of Education (EduHK) Hong Kong, Prof. Bob Fenghua SUN, Ph.D, Prof. Donny Wira Yudha Kusuma, M.Pd., Ph.D, and the UNNES academic community as well as hundreds of students who participated virtually.

Starting his speech, Menpora Amali admitted that he was very proud to be part of an international seminar that brought together experts, academics and sports practitioners in South Asia and its surroundings to share knowledge, ideas and experiences about sports, health and physical education.

On this occasion, Menpora Amali explained a number of things. One of them is the question of the cessation of national sports events due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic since 2020.

"In 2020, Indonesian sports will face the impact of the global COVID 19 pandemic situation, some of which have been postponed, such as the multi event activity of the National Sports Week (PON). Including international sports events such as the Olympics, in Tokyo, "said Menpora Amali.

Not only multi-event activities, other sports activities also stopped such as soccer league competitions, volleyball, basketball and badminton. As a result, many of them lost their income and jobs. "Many players and match organizers lost their income," he concluded.

Menpora Amali also said that in early 2020, he and youth stakeholders directly supported, handled and recovered the pandemic.

"Some of the steps taken were successful in increasing youth participation in the prevention of the COVID-19 pandemic," he said.

In addition, the Ministry of Youth and Sports has also carried out vaccinations for athletes, coaches and sports benchmarks to increase their immunity from the virus. Especially for those who participate in sports events both regional, national and international.

"Kemenpora set 2021 as the right time to restore and revive sports in Indonesia," he said.

This has been demonstrated by the start of the 2021 Menpora Cup pre-season competition. Meanwhile, the 2021-2022 season soccer competition is being prepared with a strategy of implementing strict health protocols. Where the strategy in the stadium is only the players, coaches and match officials. In addition, the government has also decided to hold various sports events including PON which will be held in October 2021.

"All preparations have been made and I hope that all sports activities and competitions can be carried out soon," he hoped.

On this occasion, the Menpora also explained that his party together with sports stakeholders have compiled a national sports grand design to improve sports achievements at the international level. This grand design will focus on sports science, sports industry, and sport tourism. "The application of sports science will have an impact on increasing sports achievement," he said,

With this seminar that brings together health experts and sports experts, the Menpora hopes to share experiences and knowledge in formulating valuable suggestions for the world of sports affected by the pandemic.

"Finally, I congratulate all of you who have participated in this seminar, hope it will be useful for the development of Indonesian sports," concluded Menpora Amali.