Jakarta Office Cluster COVID-19 Increases, NasDem: Don't Just Feel Immune Having Been Vaccinated

JAKARTA - There has been an increase in the COVID-19 cluster in DKI Jakarta offices at this time. In fact, a number of cases have occurred in employees who have been vaccinated against COVID-19.

Responding to this, the Chairman of the Nasdem Faction at the DKI DPRD considered the increase in COVID-19 cases in offices due to weak implementation of health protocols. There are still those who think vaccines can protect themselves from transmitting the virus.

"Don't just say that we have been vaccinated and then we feel immune if we don't follow health protocols ourselves. Our own health is determined by ourselves," Wibi told reporters, Wednesday, April 28.

Wibi reminded that vaccination does not guarantee that someone will avoid exposure to the corona virus. Therefore, he asked companies in the capital to remain strict in implementing health protocols.

"There is no laxity in implementing health protocols. Never ignore 3M," he said.

Previously, the DKI Provincial Government recorded an increase in hundreds of positive cases of COVID-19 in the office space in just one week.

In the period 5-11 April 2021, it is said that there were 157 cases of COVID-19 in offices. Cases spread from 78 offices in the capital. Then on April 12-18, the number of cases increased to 425 people in 177 offices. This means, there are an additional 268 patients in one week.

Head of the DKI Health Service, Widyastuti, also found that some positive confirmation cases for people who had been vaccinated were in the office cluster. Therefore, he asked employees who work in the office to remain aware of the transmission of the corona virus.

"We need to emphasize, even though we have been vaccinated, it does not mean that we are 100 percent free from COVID-19 and do whatever we want. Implementation of health protocols must be consistently tightened by offices," said Widyastuti.

The DKI Jakarta Health Office recorded COVID-19 cases from people who had previously been vaccinated. Although he did not mention the number, Widyastuti said that most of the COVID-19 cases after vaccination had mild symptoms, namely 73 percent.

"In positive confirmation cases after being vaccinated, 73 percent had mild symptoms, 21 percent were people without symptoms, and only 6 percent needed hospital care," said Widyastuti.