To Keep The Skin Moisturized, When To Use The Right Lotion?

JAKARTA - Using lotion is useful for moisturizing and nourishing the skin from the surface. Besides wearing lotion, to beautify your skin you can eat foods and drinks that contain vitamins E, C, and A.

There are several variants of the lotion, including body lotion, body cream, body butter, body milk, hand cream, and foot cream. The six kinds of lotions have the same function, namely moisturizing the skin. The difference is in the texture and material.

Body butter has a texture like butter or butter. It is denser so there is no need to put on a lot, just transfer the lotion then it will feel more moist. While for body milk, the texture is the most liquid compared to other lotions.

For body cream, hand cream, and foot cream, the texture is not as thick as body butter but not as watery as body lotion.

So, when to use the correct lotion? There are 4 ways and skin conditions that need to be considered before using lotion.

Skin in clean condition

Body lotions are generally formulated for all skin types. Not only used by dry skin to make it more moisturized, for those who have oily skin can also use lotion. It's just that, what is important to note before using it is to make sure the skin is clean.

Use thoroughly

The areas of skin that are most exposed to UV rays will be drier than those that are not. In order to stay moisturized, apply the lotion thoroughly to the sun-exposed parts of the skin such as the hands and feet.

Wear it at least once a day

Using lotion regularly will keep your skin from drying out and scaly. Put on the correct lotion at least once a day. The time, you can wear it after bathing or before starting activities. If when you are on the move your skin feels dry, wash your hands and feet and put on the lotion.

Recognize the character of the skin

Besides having different skin types, what needs to be considered is the character of the skin. Some skins do not match certain ingredients in the lotion, some have allergies. In order not to cause problems, identify the character of your skin and choose a suitable lotion product.

The last recommendation, avoid neglecting the skin without caring for it and reduce habits that can make the skin condition dry.