Tricks To Take Care Of Gold Jewelry So That The Color Does Not Fade Quickly

JAKARTA - Gold is one type of metal that is most widely used as jewelry. From ancient times until now, many women have collected gold jewelry, in the form of earrings, bracelets, necklaces, and rings. Gold jewelry is also usually given to couples for important moments such as fiancés and weddings.

If you are one of those who like to collect gold jewelry, don't forget to take care of it! Because gold jewelry can also be damaged if not cared for properly, at least the color will fade over time. Given that the price of gold is quite high and can be an investment, there is nothing wrong with paying attention to its maintenance so that it is more durable and remains beautiful for years.

Gold care is actually quite easy and can be done at home. Let's look at the following tips:

Take off your jewelry in the shower

For those of you who are accustomed to wearing gold jewelry every day, you should take it off when you shower. Because when you take a shower, your body will be exposed to products that contain chemicals, ranging from shampoo, soap, and facial cleansers. Removing jewelry while bathing means reducing chemical exposure to gold.

After bathing, you should use body lotion and perfume first. If all the beauty products have absorbed well into the skin, then use your jewelry again.

Keep it in the jewelry box

How to store gold also should not be arbitrary. When not in use, you can put the jewelry in the box. It doesn't have to be a jewelry box, you can just use boxes with a partition so that the collection is neatly organized and certainly doesn't pile up. The point is, keep the gold in a container and don't let it stick together so that the color doesn't fade quickly.

Especially for long necklaces and earrings, don't keep them careless because they can stick together and get tangled.

Wash gold with a detergent mixture

Periodically, you have to clean the gold jewelry collection. It's easy, you can make a mixed solution of detergent and soda in a container. Then put the jewelry in the container, let stand 10-20 minutes, then remove and clean with a soft brush. For jewelry with chains, you should put them in the solution one by one so they don't get tangled. After brushing, clean again with water and dry with a soft cloth.

Clean with toothpaste

Another option for cleaning jewelry is to use toothpaste. You just have to mix a little toothpaste with water, mix well so it's not too thick. Then, dip the brush in the toothpaste solution, then brush the jewelry slowly so that the dirt can be removed. After that, clean with water and dry.