Can The Submarine Joint Venture Come About?

JAKARTA - The sinking of the KRI Nanggala-402 submarine left deep wounds for all Indonesian people. Moreover, the submarine carrying 53 crew members was declared to be on eternal patrol or patrolling forever. Of course, this is increasingly heartbreaking for the people of the country.

With the sinking of the German-made submarine in 1981, now the TNI's main weaponry system (alutsista) has only 4 units left.

Due to this tragedy, love for the country emerged with a joint proposal to buy a replacement submarine for the KRI Nanggala-402.

Religious leader Ustad Abdul Somad invited the public to join forces as support for the TNI. This joint invitation was initiated by Yogyakarta Jogokaryan Mosque activists.

So, can this joint venture buy a replacement submarine for the KRI Nanggala-402 which is split in three on the ocean floor?

Considering the estimated price of 400 US Dollars or the equivalent of IDR 5.8 trillion per unit, member of the House of Representatives Commission I of the PKS faction Al Muzzammil Yusuf assessed that the joint movement to buy a submarine to replace the KRI Nanggala-402 was not enough to obtain one of the weapons system tools (alutsista). The TNI.

"The movement to buy submarines is not necessarily enough, because the current price of submarines is very expensive," said Muzammil, Tuesday, April 27.

However, according to the PKS politician, this joint proposal would certainly serve as an evaluation and a reminder for the government. "At least this movement is interpreted as part of a public correction to the government," he said.

This is in line with the lack of budget allocation at the Ministry of Defense which is only Rp. 138 trillion, of which Rp. 300 trillion should be in order to maximize the maintenance of defense equipment.

"Rejuvenation of defense equipment is key, but the budget for procurement is also not small," continued Muzammil.

Furthermore, Muzammil assessed that Ustaz Abdul Somad's (UAS) invitation to jointly buy submarines was interpreted as a form of people's concern for national defense. In addition, said Muzammil, it is part of the constitutionality value as a citizen as regulated in Article 30 of the 1945 Constitution related to the rights and obligations of citizens in national defense and security efforts.

Where Article 30 paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia states (1) Every citizen has the right and obligation to participate in the defense and security of the country.

"Article 30 paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution states that national defense and security efforts are carried out through the defense and security system of the total people by the Indonesian National Army and the Indonesian National Police, as the main force, and the people, as a supporting force," he added.

TNI May Not Accept Donations

Military observer Connie Rahakundini Bakrie appreciated the public's intention to jointly buy a submarine to replace the KRI Nanggala-402. According to him, the invitation was a form of awareness of the Indonesian people to strengthen national defense.

"It is appreciated that there is awareness in our society that how important our armed forces are," Connie said when contacted by VOI, Tuesday, April 27.

However, he continued, the joint venture could not necessarily realize the purchase of the TNI's main weapon system (alutsista).

"Because it should be noted that the law prohibits the TNI from receiving any assistance apart from the state budget (APBN). So it cannot accept (donations, ed). It could be dangerous," Connie explained.

According to him, it would be dangerous if the TNI received assistance other than from the state. For fear that there are certain claims related to assistance.

"As far as I know, none of the world can receive private assistance to its troops. But the intention (joint venture, red) is very good, it must be appreciated but it is not supported by a mechanism," said Connie.

If you want to help the TNI, said Connie, it is enough to support if there is an increase in the budget at the Ministry of Defense. This is because the budget for maintenance, rejuvenation and maintenance of defense equipment is only 30 percent of the Ministry of Defense's budget. The rest, for routine shopping.

"So non-routine costs must be strengthened, not contributed, the state cannot accept it. Because the TNI must come from the state budget," he said.

"UAS can appeal to public awareness to help the government modernize weaponry. We urge people to understand that if the budget is increased it is to safeguard their sovereignty as well," Connie continued.

In addition, there must be a total revolution in the armed forces as the world's maritime axis, especially the change in defense equipment. The government must also strengthen diplomatic relations between countries.

"Can we not be a strong country? Yes! But we need not only budget power but diplomatic strength based on geopolitical knowledge," said Connie.

DPR Commission I member Dave Laksono appreciated the public for raising funds to buy submarines. However, by law, defense equipment is purchased through the state budget.

"We appreciate his love for safeguarding Indonesia's sovereignty and lifting up the military, the only problem is that the procurement of defense equipment is a government policy, so this contribution can be submitted to the government for the government to carry out its functions," said Dave when contacted by VOI, Jakarta, Tuesday, April 27.

But historically, said Dave, Indonesia had purchased the first aircraft from donations from the Acehnese people.

"In history, it is not a strange thing. In the past, when we bought the first plane, the people of Aceh collected gold to donate to the country to buy our first plane," said Dave.

"But now the situation is different. The condition was when the republic was first established, we didn't have the resources yet, the new government was running and there was no APBN, which was worth thousands of trillions every year. The situation was different, of course," he continued.

Nevertheless, Commission I of the DPR in charge of defense agreed that in the future the government together with the DPR which is tasked with determining the APBN must be able to formulate the most urgent matters first. One of them is about strengthening the TNI and procuring defense equipment.

"Indonesia as the largest archipelagic country surrounded by vast oceans with a long coastline, should have a strong and respected marine fleet," said Muzammil.