Arrested By Densus 88, Munarman Had A Protest, Asked For Permission To Wear A New Sandal
JAKARTA - Former General Secretary of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Munarman was arrested by Densus 88 officers at Modern Hills Housing, Cinangka-Pamulang, South Tangerang, Tuesday, April 27. This arrest was made after officers uncovered a terrorism case in South Tangerang.
Seconds when he was arrested, Munarman protested to the officers. Rizieq Shihab's attorney said that this arrest was not in accordance with the law.
"This is not in accordance with this law! This should be ..." said Munarman.
Having not finished continuing the sentence, Munarman's words were immediately interrupted by the officers at the location. "Come on, Sir, later, Sir, later," said an officer.
Officers wearing full vests then shackled Munarman to a white car parked beside his house.
The officers also ignored Munarman's request to wear sandals. "Wait sir, I'm wearing sandals, I'm wearing sandals," said Munarman.
"Later !," replied the officer and kept shackling Munarman.
Separately, Munarman attorney Azis Yanuar said a number of evidences had been secured by officers during the search. For example, cellphones / cell phones, books related to democracy and Islamic law, prayers, education, conspiracy theories, and various other themes.
The National Police's Densus 88 Anti-terror Team arrested Munarman at his residence, Pondok Cabe, Pamulang District, South Tangerang, Tuesday at around 15.30 WIB. Munarman was arrested by several members of Densus 88, then taken to Polda Metro Jaya in a white car.