Apart From Nadiem And Bahlil, Jokowi Will Also Appoint The KPK Supervisory Board And The Head Of BRIN

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is confirmed to reshuffle the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet on Wednesday, April 28.

Apart from inaugurating Bahlil Lahadalia as Minister of Investment and Nadiem Makarim as Minister of Education and Culture-Research and Technology, Jokowi will also inaugurate the Head of the National Innovation Research Agency (BRIN).

According to VOI sources, this position will be occupied by Laksana Tri Handoko, who is currently the Chair of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences.

"Yes", said a source in court circles confirming Laksana Tri Handoko's new position when he was confirmed, Tuesday, April 27.

In addition, President Jokowi is also said to be inaugurating Indriyanto Seno Adji as the KPK Supervisory Board. It is known that one position is currently vacant after Artidjo Alkostar passed away on February 28.

Indriyanto is a Professor of Criminal Law from the University of Indonesia. In 2015, he was one of the three Leaders of the Corruption Eradication Commission.

At that time, he was inaugurated with Taufiequrachman Ruki and Johan Budi by President Jokowi. The three of them replaced the three inactive KPK leaders, namely Busyro Muqoddas, Abraham Samad, and Bambang Widjojanto.

As previously reported, the Chief Expert of the Presidential Staff Office, Ali Mochtar Ngabalin, again said that President Jokowi will announce a cabinet reshuffle soon.

"I always say it's not long, because Mr. Joko Widodo's leadership character in responding to this is always fast, and thank God it's right", said Ngabalin, Tuesday, April 27.

Again, according to him, there will be a new minister who will be appointed by President Jokowi. However, he did not yet know the name of the ministerial candidate.

He only revealed that the reshuffle announcement would be made if the nomenclature for merging new ministries had been completed. He said the DPR (House of Representatives) had sent a letter regarding the merger of the Ministry of Education and Culture and Research and Technology as well as the establishment of the investment ministry to the government from last week.

"We will discuss these two points. The President will definitely appoint a minister because the nomenclature has changed so that there will be ministers who will be inaugurated, namely education and culture and technology", he said.

"Likewise, there is a new minister who is inaugurated, the investment minister, maybe also the Head of the National Research Agency," continued Ngabalin.

The DPR previously submitted a letter of approval for the merger of the Ministry of Education and Culture with the Ministry of Research and Technology, as well as the formation of the Ministry of Investment to the government.