DPR: The Joint Movement To Buy Submarines Is Not Enough, The Prices Are Very Expensive

JAKARTA - Member of Commission I DPR (House of Representatives) PKS faction Al Muzzammil Yusuf assessed that the joint movement to buy a submarine to replace the KRI Nanggala-402 was not enough to obtain one of the TNI's weapons system tools (Alutsista). Given the estimated price of up to $ 400, equivalent to IDR 5.8 trillion.

"The movement to buy submarines is not necessarily enough, because the current price of submarines is very expensive", said Muzammil, Tuesday, April 27.

However, according to the PKS politician, this joint proposal would certainly serve as an evaluation and a reminder for the government. "At least this movement is interpreted as part of a public correction to the government", he said.

This is in line with the lack of budget allocation at the Ministry of Defense which is only IDR 138 trillion, of which IDR 300 trillion should be to maximize the maintenance of defense equipment.

"Rejuvenation of defense equipment is key, but the budget for procurement is also not small", continued Muzammil.

Furthermore, Muzammil assessed that Ustaz Abdul Somad's invitation to jointly buy submarines was interpreted as a form of people's concern for national defense.

In addition, said Muzammil, the invitation initiated by Yogyakarta Jogokaryan Mosque activists is also part of the constitutionality value as a citizen as regulated in Article 30 of the 1945 Constitution relating to the rights and obligations of citizens in the defense and security of the state.

Where Article 30 paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia states (1) Every citizen has the right and obligation to participate in the defense and security of the country.

"Article 30 paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution states that national defense and security efforts are carried out through the defense and security system of the total people by the Indonesian National Army and the Indonesian National Police, as the main force, and the people, as a supporting force", he added.

Muzammil said that in the future the government together with the House of Representatives, which is tasked with determining the APBN (State Budget), must be able to formulate the most urgent matters first. For example, thinking about which one is more important and a priority, whether to build a new capital city or strengthen the Indonesian marine fleet and marine industry.

"Indonesia as the largest archipelagic country surrounded by vast oceans with a long coastline, should have a strong and respected marine fleet", said Muzammil.