Go To PDIP Headquarters, PKS Secretary General: Like Being At Home, Full Of Blessings

JAKARTA - The DPP ranks of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) came to the DPP PDI Perjuangan office. During the meeting, PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto welcomed the presence of the PKS entourage at his office, Jalan Diponegoro, Central Jakarta on Tuesday, April 27.

During the meeting, Hasto talked about the relationship between PDIP and PKS. He said, even though they were not in a single government coalition, communication between political parties could still run well.

PDIP, said Hasto, highly respects the position of PKS which is outside the government or the opposition.

"Even though there are different positions in the government, that does not mean there is no room for dialogue," said Hasto in a written statement to reporters, Tuesday, April 27.

Responding to Hasto's statement, PKS Secretary General Habib Aboebakar Alhabsyi said he was happy to be accepted by PDIP. He said, PKS came to PDIP to stay in touch as well as exchange knowledge in managing the country.

"We come here as if we were at home. It feels full of blessings," said Habib Aboe.

He admitted that his party had come to learn how to run the country. "Share the knowledge," he added.

In this meeting, he said, PKS and PDIP also discussed many things. Including regarding the problems of the nation.

"At this gathering, discussing national issues. Don't make it sound as if the PDI-P and PKS are always opposing. We are together," he said.

"If there is a difference of opinion, it is normal. I mean, we must create a happy atmosphere. If there is a little difference, then please. Outside of government, that is balancing and democratic rights," added Habib.

Habib Aboe said PKS President Ahmad Syaikhu was actually scheduled to lead the PKS group. However, Habib Aboe admits that today there is news of grief in his party due to the death of the secretary of his party's syuro council.

"The atmosphere of COVID will be of concern to all of us. That's why we were at GeNose first. So we came in a healthy condition," he said.

At the meeting, Habib Aboe was accompanied by the Chairperson of the PKS DPR Faction, Jazuli Juwaini, the Chairperson of the DPP Mardani Ali Sera, the Chair for the Economy and Finance Sector Anis Byarwati, and Deputy Secretary General for Inter-Institutional Relations Moh Rozaq Asyhari.

Meanwhile, Hasto Kristiyanto was accompanied by Deputy Treasurer Rudianto Tjen, and Deputy Secretary General who was also the Chair of the PDIP Faction in the DPR Utut Adianto. Also accompanying Hasto, namely the ranks of the PDIP DPP Chairmen such as Ahmad Basarah, Djarot Saiful Hidayat, Rudianto Tjen, Wiryanti Sukamdani, Hamka Haq, I Made Urip, Sukur Nababan.