3 Takjil Recipes With A Betawi Taste That Makes You Drool

JAKARTA - Do you have any cooking plans for breaking the fast today? If you are still confused, let's try to serve the takjil menu with Betawi specialties. Ranging from snacks to heavy meals. How to make it is not that difficult. Come on, watch and record carefully each spice and how to cook it.

Es Selendang Mayang


775 ml of water 130 gr sugar 50 gr palm sago flour 50 gr hunkwe 2 pandan leaves, conclude 1 tbsp rice flour 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 tsp green food coloring or pink coconut milk sauce, brown sugar ice cubes

How to make

Mix the corn starch, hunkwe, and rice flour with 250 ml water. Boil the pandan leaves, salt and sugar. After boiling, remove from heat and strain. Cook the water and pandan leaves mixture again, add the flour mixture. Stir quickly until the mixture is evenly mixed and thickens. Pour the mixture into the pan and spread it out. Give food coloring according to taste, then let it cool. When it's finished, cut it into cubes, then add ice cubes and pour it with coconut milk and brown sugar. Ready to be served. Ape Cake


200 gr rice flour 100 g medium protein flour 1 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp salt 175 gr sugar 400 ml water 2-4 drops pandan paste or according to taste

How to make

Combine rice flour, wheat flour, baking powder, and salt. Then, add sugar, eggs, and half water. Stir until evenly and it's not lumpy. Add the remaining water and pandan paste, stir until everything is well blended. Let stand for about 1 hour. Add baking soda, mix well. Heat the mold, spread a little oil, wait for it to heat. Put 2 small spoonfuls of vegetables into the Teflon, flatten. Put 1 more spoonful of vegetables in the middle of Teflon and cover until cooked. Ready to be served. soto Betawi


150 gr beef 100 gr tripe (optional) 100 gr lungs (optional) 2 boiled potatoes, diced 2 tomatoes, dice 250 ml liquid coconut milk, enough water to boil 4 pieces of lime leaves 1 lemongrass 1 1 bay leaf 3 cm galangal 3 cm ginger 1 tsp ground nutmeg 2 lime

Ground spices

5 cloves of red onion 4 cloves of garlic 1 tablespoon of coriander 3 grains of candlenut salt to taste all ground spices crushed or blended

How to make

Boil the beef until tender. When it's tender, cut the meat into cubes or shreds. Do not waste the broth. Saute ground spices until fragrant. Add the lime leaves, lemongrass, bay leaves, galangal, ginger, and ground nutmeg. Add beef, tripe, and lungs. Stir until evenly distributed. Pour in the broth and cook until it boils, then add the coconut milk. Cook until the meat is tender. Ready to be served.