The Disbursement Of THR For PNS, Police And TNI Is Only Waiting For Jokowi's Signature

JAKARTA - Disbursement of holiday allowance (THR) for civil servants (PNS), TNI, and Polri will soon be carried out by the government. Director of Budget Implementation at the Directorate General of Treasury, Ministry of Finance, Sudarso, stated that the THR will be disbursed at the earliest on April 29.

Sudarso said that the calculation was in accordance with the provisions announced by the Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto, where the THR would be disbursed gradually from D-10 to D-5 Eid. April 29 is based on the calculation of D-10 where Eid al-Fitr falls on April 13.

"THR payments are no later than 10 working days before the holiday, according to what the Coordinating Minister said. We are waiting for the draft government regulation (RPP) to be completed," Sudarso said when contacted by VOI, Monday, April 26.

The Ministry of Finance, said Sudarso, has finalized the rules governing the disbursement of the Eid bonuses to these state servants. The rules are in the form of draft government regulations (RPP) and regulations of the minister of finance (PMK).

Sudarso explained that the RPP was only waiting for the signature of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to be promulgated. While the PMK is ready, it is just a matter of waiting for the RPP to be issued.

"The RPP is in the process of being determined by the President, according to the information we received. Likewise with the Minister of Finance," he said.

Regarding the RPP, Sudarso asked to wait for more definite news from the Palace. "Who knows, tomorrow it will be enacted," he said.

Previously, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati said that the THR would be disbursed on D-10 to D-5 Eid with a budget ceiling of Rp 30.6 trillion.

"The amount of THR is very significant, and we hope it will boost economic activity," he said in a virtual press conference for our APBN, Thursday, April 22.

The state treasurer also said that detailed information would be conveyed after the government's release of the standard regulations.

"Currently the PP (Government Regulation) is being prepared and is in a joint initial process to be signed by the president," he said.