UIN Alauddin Lecturer Died During A Lecture At The Baiturrahman Mosque In Makassar

MAKASSAR - Lecturer at Alauddin State Islamic University (UIN) Makassar, South Sulawesi, KH Ruddin Emang died.

Ruddin Emang died while filling out a cult lecture in front of the congregation after the midday prayer at the Baiturrahman Panaikang Mosque on Jalan Urip Sumoharjo, Makassar, Monday, April 26.

From the video circulating, the deceased standing on the pulpit suddenly fell. The congregation was shocked to see this incident and immediately helped Ruddin Emang.

Meanwhile, Head of the Public Relations Sub Division of UIN Alauddin, Andi Jamaluddin, confirmed this. He admitted that he only found out about this after receiving news from a WhatsApp message.

"Yes, it is true that he is a lecturer at UIN. I also recently received news from the WhatsApp group. It is not yet known where he will be buried, because he also received news," said Jamaluddin, to reporters.

The late Ruddin often gave lectures at the Baiturrahman Mosque. He is also well-known as an active Muhammadiyah administrator.