Should A KRI Nanggala-402 Fact-Finding Team Be Formed?

JAKARTA - Members of the DPR have urged the government to form an independent Fact Finding Team (TPF) over the sinking of KRI Nanggala-402 in Bali waters.

The formation of this team is considered as a form of state responsibility to the people, not only to raise the rank of fallen soldiers.

This was conveyed by DPR Commission II member Nasir Djamil in response to the speculation that had sprung up on social media. According to him, the milling information certainly disturbs the minds of the Indonesian people, especially the families of the victims of the KRI Nanggala-402.

"Moreover, it is said that there was sabotage from certain countries against KRI Nanggala-402 for reasons of fighting for influence," Nasir Djamil told reporters, Monday, April 26.

The PKS politician hopes that the Fact Finding Team can find and find the truth behind the tragedy. Including the matter of the operational feasibility of the submarine considering that it is already 40 years old.

"If the President is truly grieving, let us respect the 53 best Indonesian Navy soldiers, by seeking and finding answers to the causes of the sinking of the submarine nanggala 402," said Nasir.

Nasir admits being a creature of God, of course he must accept a trial like this.

"But as a member of parliament, I have the obligation to remind and urge the government to immediately form an independent fact-finding team so that this country is truly sovereign in its own sea," said Nasir Djamil.

Previously, there was an assumption that the KRI Nanggala-402 had drowned due to the lack of care for the defense equipment.

Military observer, Connie Rahakundini Bakri, said that there was a figure who was influential in the procurement of the army weaponry system. He said, the emergence of a business mafia in the national defense system has exacerbated the problem of the main defense system equipment or the TNI's defense system.

"There is a (business mafia in the national defense system), (let's call it) Mister M," he said in a virtual discussion, Sunday, April 25.

However, Connie did not explain in more detail about the figure in question. However, he revealed that he had found a mess of the TNI's defense equipment. One of them is related to the Maung tactical vehicle (rantis) project initiated by the Ministry of Defense (Kemhan).

"I also found and who wants to open it. In my opinion this is part of corruption. Don't get me wrong, first he bought the whole Hilux, only the chassis was taken, then the others were resold. Even though the one being charged was the price of that one car. "Then I saw 200 cars (Hilux) that came," he said.