Prabowo Wants To Buy An F-35 Fighter Jet, Observer: TNI Has Never Planned To Buy It, Does The Minister Of Defense Not Know?

JAKARTA - Military observer Connie Rahakundini Bakrie highlighted the desire of Minister of Defense Prabowo Subianto to buy the 5th generation fighter jet, the F-35. This is because the main equipment of the defense system (alutsista) is not included in the TNI purchase plan.

Actually, Connie said buying anything for the modernization and rejuvenation of defense equipment is okay. However, he said, what is not allowed is buying outside the plan or not according to the wishes of users or users, namely the TNI.

"The TNI never plans to buy, because we know that we are not an alliance of the US. We are a non-aligned country. The Defense Minister does not know," he told VOI, Monday, April 26.

As it is known, Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto is rumored to be buying F-35 fighter jets. The news was revealed when he visited the United States (US) to meet with US Defense Secretary Mark Esper in October 2020.

Connie said that even if Indonesia had the budget to buy this F-35 fighter jet, the process would be very complicated. Because, according to him, Indonesia's foreign policy would be hampered.

"Our foreign policy will hinder the purchase of the F-35 because we are not a US alliance country. Never mind buying the F-35 technology KFX (Korean Fighter Xperiment), not all of us can get the ToT (training of trainer). Because South Korea is not allowed by the US to provide it. on us, "he explained.

Previously, Connie said that Indonesia does not have to have this defense equipment. This is because there is no clarity or roadmap for what the 5th generation fighter jet will be used for.

"Our Defense Minister (Prabowo Subianto) suddenly wanted to buy an F-35. Come on, we are not an alliance of the United States, what are we doing to buy an F-35. Where are we going? Who do we want to come. Boro-boro take care of the F-35, take care of the staff. they just can slip (KRI Nanggala-402) without being clear, "he said in a virtual discussion, Sunday, April 25.

On the same occasion, Member of Commission I Farhan assessed that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) needs to add to the duties of Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi to accompany Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto in establishing defense industry diplomacy. As did the Japanese Government.

"To ensure that there is a scenario behind the purchase or retrofitting proposal for defense equipment. So that is what must be considered," said Farhan.

Farhan said that it must be admitted that there is a scenario or game from the world arms industry related to the issue of the main tool of the Indonesian defense system (alutsista). In fact, he said, many countries are competing to make bids to Indonesia.

"They see how much Indonesia needs to modernize the defense industry. The offers are extraordinary (a lot)," he said.

For your information, Prabowo Subianto's wish will be difficult to materialize. This is because there are a number of requirements that must be met by Indonesia in order to get the F-35.

Minister of Trade Muhammad Lutfi, who at that time served as Indonesian Ambassador to the US, said that Indonesia must first have 4th and 4.5 generation aircraft.

"To get to the F-35, we must have an F-16 Block 72. This is the latest F-16 before we can get an F-35 fighter," Lutfi said, Monday, November 2, 2020.

Lutfi said the US will provide the latest offers for Indonesia. This is to get around the long waiting time to get a fighter plane.

"They will give the best without reservation," he said.

Meanwhile, Lockheed Martin, a manufacturer of aircraft and military equipment from the United States (US), revealed the reasons behind the Block 72 F-16 aircraft offer for Indonesia. According to Lockheed, the F-16 Blok 72 is a suitable fighter for Indonesia because it is the cheapest in its acquisition cost and has the latest technology from the 4.5 generation aircraft.