Cash For Work From The Ministry Of PUPR To Assist And Empower Village Communities

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has prepared a budget of IDR 10 trillion for the implementation of cash-intensive programs for people affected by the corona virus or COVID-19.

The funds come from the reallocation and refocusing of the ministry's budget amounting to Rp36.19 trillion. Previously, based on the Budget Implementation List (DIPA), the Ministry of PUPR's budget for 2020 was IDR 120 trillion.

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said that the cash-intensive program implementation will target people in rural areas.

"We want to implement cash-intensive (program) labor, which is to provide low technology but labor-intensive jobs in rural areas. That is to maintain the purchasing power of rural communities. So we distribute development money to villages, this can still be implemented because we are still using the protocol. health, "in a video conference with BNPB, Monday, April 13.

Basuki said, this labor-intensive program is expected to help people stay productive. Meanwhile, labor-intensive programs include irrigation repair, self-management of urban rejuvenation, self-help for house maintenance, bridge maintenance, and so on.

"For example, minor irrigation repairs, which are usually done by 80 people, now we split it in two, we schedule it for a week. From two months to three months, this is all paid weekly," he said.

Furthermore, Basuki revealed, a budget of IDR 2.25 trillion was also prepared for the Acceleration Improvement of Irrigation Water Use (P3TGAI) program in 10,000 locations. Each location received an allocation of Rp. 225 million.

In the housing sector, there is a program to improve the quality of self-help houses totaling 208,000 units with a budget of IDR 4.35 trillion. In addition, the new 12,000 units of self-help house construction program with a budget of IDR 459 billion.

"The independent housing program, whether it's new builds or those that have been upgraded, so that houses unfit for habitation are increased. Each house gets around Rp. 17.5 million to Rp. 25 million according to the level of unworthiness," he explained.

Furthermore, the Community-Based Drinking Water and Sanitation (Pamsimas) program in 4,771 villages with a budget of IDR 1.12 trillion and Community Based Sanitation (Sanimas) in 1,028 locations with a budget of IDR 391 billion. Then, the arrangement of Cities Without Slums (Kotaku) in 364 urban villages with a budget of Rp. 382 billion.

"For the Kotaku program, urban areas also have self-management to rejuvenate urban areas so that our slum areas are renovated or improve drainage, clean water," he said.

Furthermore, PUPR also allocated IDR540 billion for the regional socio-economic infrastructure development program (PISEW) in 900 sub-districts. Then, the road routine maintenance program for 47,017 kilometers with a budget of IDR 518 billion and routine maintenance of 496 kilometers of bridges worth IDR 110 billion.

"Maintenance of roads, such as road markings, cleaning of road grass along the median road, is self-managed and can be done in a labor-intensive manner," he said.

In addition, Basuki said, there was a program for making artificial rainwater storage (ABSAH) aquifers in 94 locations with a budget of IDR 38 billion and Waste Management Sites for Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (TPS 3R) in 106 locations valued at IDR 63 billion.

Basuki explained that PUPR also budgeted Rp. 100 billion to buy smallholder rubber which had fallen in price. The rubber is purchased in rubber-producing areas, such as Pontianak, Lampung, Jambi and Riau.

In addition, PUPR is also working with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to identify Indonesian migrant workers from Malaysia. They will be given a labor-intensive program so that they can still work.