Basic Adaptive Concepts: Understanding And Examples

YOGYAKARTA - A person's ability to adapt can be seen from his response when meeting new people. This ability is of course very important for someone to adapt to a new place. So what is the understanding of adaptiveness? What are the basic concepts of adaptiveness and examples? Check out the reviews below.
Quoted from the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), adaptive is the ability to adapt (self) to the situation. Adaptive is also interpreted as a person's maturity and social in carrying out daily public activities according to age & related to the culture of his group (Kelly: 1978, Patton: 1986, Reynolds: 1987).
Quoted from the journal Factors That Affect Adaptive Behavior of Early Childhoods, Adaptive Behavior is a person's typical performance in his daily activities that require social and personal skills (Marcoustic: 2012).
Meanwhile, according to Rahayu (2010), adaptive behavior is a person's ability to adapt to the norms or standards applied in his environment. If a person is able to behave according to the agreed norms in his environment, then it can be said that the individual has good adaptive behavior.
Of course, not everyone is able to behave adaptively, because adaptive behavior is influenced by environment, intelligence, emotional intelligence, and social support.
Below are some concepts of adaptive behavior:
Reporting from the Binus University website, below is an example of adaptive cultural implementation in companies:
A taxi company has controlled the taxi transportation market for decades. However, the company is behind due to losing competitiveness with online modes of transportation.
At the start of its presence, the taxi company was still holding on to conventional methods, but eventually eroded by the times. Luckily, because they finally understand that if times have changed, this taxi company then cooperates with some online transportation.
Taxi companies are also collaborating with the Ministry of Tourism. This is of course used by the Ministry of Tourism to promote Indonesian tourism by attaching the 'Worldful Indonesia' sticker in each fleet.
Drivers are also given knowledge of tourist destinations, especially around airports. This collaboration is certainly a good collaboration for both parties.
This proves that companies can adapt to existing changes. Companies can stick to organizational values while following existing trends in society.
Meanwhile, quoted from the Ministry of Finance website, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani advised ASN that adaptive behavior is one of the capabilities at work.
For example, when there is a mutation, employees must adapt to changes in social interactions that may occur. Although larger efforts must be made by employees who experience mutations and enter a new office environment.
Employees must be able to mingle quickly and as much as possible to be accepted in their environment. In an environment, of course there are certain provisions or norms that must be obeyed, especially regarding social relations between employees. Social acceptance depends on how new employees can understand and comply with what has become a value or habit in the environment.
That's an explanation of the basic concept of adaptive. Hopefully useful. Visit to get other interesting information.