4 Foods That Should Not Be Consumed With Nanas

JAKARTA - Pineapple is one of the unique and distinctive forms of taste, and has many benefits for the body. Starting from increasing immunity, helping digestion, reducing inflammation, and providing important nutrients such as vitamin C.

However, in consuming pineapple, there are several things that must be considered, including other food ingredients that may be combined. This is because there are some food ingredients that should not be consumed with pineapple, as follows from the Times of India.

1. High food protein

Pineapple contains bromelain, which makes it ideal if combined with high-protein foods such as eggs, meat, and nuts. Bromelain in pineapple can disturb the digestion of high-protein foods, which require special time and enzymes to be broken down.

Bromelain enzymeic activity can cause protein to decompose too quickly. This can cause discomfort to the stomach and inefficient digestion.

2. Ornamental fruits

Combining pineapple with other acid fruit, such as oranges or lemons can cause digestive problems for some people. Both pineapple and sour fruit have a fairly high level of acid.

Consumption of both at the same time can increase the acidity of the stomach, which has the potential to cause maag or acid reflux. The high acidity of these fruits weighs on the digestive system, especially for those with sensitive stomachs.

3. High food of flour

Consuming pineapple with high-stupid foods such as potatoes, bread, or pasta is also not a good choice. The bromelain content and the high level of pineapple acid can slow the digestion of stagnant foods.

This can cause imbalance in the stomach which causes fermentation or bloating. Digestion also becomes slower or more uncomfortable, especially for people who have a sensitive digestive system.

4. Milk processed products

Other types of foods that are recommended to avoid consumption with pineapple are dairy products, such as cheese or yogurt. Pineapple Bromelain can interfere with protein in dairy processing, which causes improper clots or digestion.