BI Optimistic That Indonesia's Financial Asset Instruments Will Remain Interesting

JAKARTA - Bank Indonesia (BI) is optimistic that Indonesia's financial asset instruments, such as Government Securities (SBN), shares, and Bank Indonesia Repo Letters (SRBI) will continue to be attractive because they have positive fundamentals.

Bank Indonesia Governor Perry Warjiyo explained that these instruments were still interesting because they were driven by Indonesia's economic growth which was estimated to remain high between 4.7 and 5.5 percent.

In addition, Perry explained, fundamentally, the value of the rupiah should strengthen, but the current pressure is mostly caused by technical factors, such as global economic uncertainty due to tariff policies and global financial market instability.

In dealing with this situation, Perry said that Bank Indonesia continues to intervene to ensure the stability of the value of the rupiah, which should tend to strengthen thanks to good economic fundamentals.

"High growth, low inflation, low deficit payment balance. And also yields in financial assets that remain attractive. That's what we continue to do," he explained.

"We estimate that our economic growth in 2025 will remain good in the range of 4.7 to 5.5 percent," he added.

Perry conveyed several indicators that underlie this projection, including a good consumption index, based on the results of a consumer survey that shows positive expectations of income conditions and the economy for the future and the future.

"From the consumer expectation survey, it is still good. The index is still above one hundred. Indeed, there is a slightly lower tik but that doesn't mean it's under a hundred, yes. If the survey says above a hundred, it's still quite a confidence like that," he said.

In addition, Perry conveyed that the Prompt Manufacturing Index (PMI) in the manufacturing sector is also still showing expansionary figures, coupled with the main harvest in the agricultural sector and government policies related to holiday allowances (THR) in the first quarter.

"So we still see that Indonesia's economic growth is maintained, both from the various data we have monitored until February and also how we have done various no-castings with various existing data, including using AI to create the previous no-casting," he explained.