Happier After Umrah, Kimberly Border Wants To Return Again

JAKARTA - Actress Kimberly Ryder expressed her desire to return to performing Umrah. After previously experiencing a memorable spiritual experience, she hopes to return to the Holy Land. "Aamin, there is a plan (for Umrah again), surely those who have given Umrah want to perform Umrah again are just plans like what date is not yet," said Kimberly Ryder in the Kebayoran Baru area, South Jakarta, recently. Not only that, Kimberly also tried to improve her worship more, including maintaining five-time prayers so that it is more timely. "The 5-time tool is guarded and not, sometimes yes, sometimes it doesn't try to be applied, it's not too late for the prayer and a lot of sunnah too," he said.

After returning from Umrah, Kimberly felt there was a change in her. Like feeling happier and getting busier with various activities, both in family and work. "Happyer, more busy, actually, more, God willing, good things for children too, right, continue, but enjoy it, basically half worship and also spend time with children, half work and worship," said KimberlyRIDer.