QRIS Tap Can Be Used At All Jabodebek LRT Stations Starting September 2025

JAKARTA - The Jabodebek LRT is in the stage of preparation and technical development to adopt QRIS Tap as one of the payment methods.
The target is that the payment method can be used at all stations starting September 2025.
For your information, this QRIS Tap allows users to make transactions only by scanning the QR Code using a cellphone that has the Near Field Communication (NFC) feature.
The Executive Vice President of the Jabodebek LRT, Mochamad Purnomosidi, said that the technical team is currently in the process of developing to ensure the QRIS Tap system can function optimally at all Jabodebek LRT stations.
"The plan is that payments using QRIS Tap will start operating in September 2025," he said in an official statement, Tuesday, March 18.
Currently, continued Purnomosidi, payment methods at the Jabodebek LRT are available, namely using the Commuter Line Multi Trip (KMT) Card, Banking Electronic Money Card, Access by KAI, and LinkAja.
Purnomosidi said the provision of various payment methods was a strategic step to make public transportation more inclusive.
"We want to ensure that people have more options in transacting at the Jabodebek LRT. With QRIS Tap, it will be easier for users to access Jabodebek LRT services, so it is hoped that more people will make Jabodebek LRT their mode of transportation," said Purnomosidi.
Photo Caption: Situasi Pengguna melakukan pembayaran untuk masuk ke Stasiun LRT Jabodebek Dukuh Atas/doc. LRT Jabodebek