Registration For RBB 2025 Extended, Pertamina To BRI Still Opens Vacancies

JAKARTA - The Ministry of SOEs together with the Indonesian Human Capital Forum (FHCI) officially extended the registration and job application period for the 2025 BUMN Joint Recruitment (RBB) program.

Initially, the registration and application for RBB was scheduled to be completed on March 16. However, it was decided to add three days, so it will be closed on Wednesday, March 19, 2025.

Deputy for Human Resources, Technology, and Information at the Ministry of SOEs Tedi Bharata said the extension was carried out to respond to the high enthusiasm of participants.

In addition, said Tedi, the extension of registration and application for RBB also opens up wider opportunities for Indonesia's best talents, including the disability & Indigenous Papuans (OAP) to contribute to national economic development through SOEs.

"With the high interest of participants, we expand the opportunity for those who want to contribute to SOEs. We hope this program can open wider access for superior talents from all over Indonesia," he said in an official statement, Tuesday, March 18.

Tedi also said that the Ministry of SOEs and FHCI continues to appeal to all applicants to always be aware of potential frauds that may occur during the recruitment process.

In addition, continued Tedi, participants were also asked to pay close attention to the schedule for each selection stage, because there is a time difference for each recruitment path.

“Informasi resmi mengenai Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN 2025 hanya dapat diperoleh melalui website resmi RBB di, serta akun Instagram resmi Kementerian BUMN di @kementerianbumn dan FHCI di @fhci.bumn,” ujarnya.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Indonesian Human Capital Forum (FHCI) Agus Dwi Handaya, said that the 2025 RBB remains focused on diversity and inclusiveness. He also said that his party continues to ensure that opportunities are wide open to all groups, including disabilities and OAP.

"The 2025 RBB program provides various recruitment channels, including the Regular Path for experienced new and professional graduates, the Disability Line to provide equal opportunities for disabilities, and the OAP Line to ensure a fairer representation," said Agus.

Along with that, continued Agus, the participants had the opportunity to apply to various leading state-owned companies operating in various industrial sectors.

To date, more than 1.4 million registrants have shown their enthusiasm to join the 2025 RBB program, and this figure continues to increase. This achievement reflects a significant increase, with the number of applicants increasing by 20 percent compared to the previous year.

Even though the number of registrants is very high, the opportunity to register is still open for other prospective applicants with the extension of the registration and application period.

“Ini adalah peluang besar bagi talenta terbaik Indonesia untuk menjadi bagian dari BUMN. Pendaftaran dapat dilakukan secara daring melalui platform resmi,” tuturnya.

Here are some companies that still open up opportunities for prospective applicants to have a career in different fields:

1. Air Transportation

-PT Aviasi Wisata Indonesia (Persero)

-PT Gapura Angkasa

2. Telecommunications and Technology

-PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Tbk

-PT Data Technology Infrastructure

3. Energy

-PT Pertamina (Persero)

-PT Pertamina Hulu Energi

4. Sea Transportation

-PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Persero)

-PT Sarana Bandar Nasional

5. Banking and Insurance

-PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk

-PT BRI Asuransi Indonesia