Mat Solar Dies Due To Stroke, Understand How To Prevent It

JAKARTA - Sad news has again enveloped the entertainment world in the country, where comedian Nasrullah, also known as Mat Solar, reportedly died on Monday, March 17, 2025. The exact cause of Mat Solar's death has not been explained by the family.
However, the star of the Bajaj Bajuri series is known to have suffered a stroke since 2017, which made her hiatus from the entertainment world. Stroke itself is a medical emergency, which requires quick treatment so that it does not have fatal consequences.
Quoted from the Mayo Clinic, on Tuesday, March 18, 2025, if a person experiences a stroke, he must immediately receive medical treatment. Medical treatment is urgently needed to reduce brain damage and other stroke complications.
There are several types of stroke, one of which is an ischemic stroke caused by arterial blockage in the brain. Then there is a hemoragic stroke caused by leakage or rupture of blood vessels in the brain.
When a stroke occurs, blood vessels experience a blockage that blocks blood flow towards the brain. Stumbled blood flow will prevent the brain from getting the oxygen intake and the nutrients needed, which if left alone can cause brain cells to die in a matter of minutes.
Several other risk factors that can cause stroke are obesity, lack of physical activity, drinking alcohol, use of illegal drugs, hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, to hereditary or genetic factors.
For stroke symptoms, symptoms can vary and appear suddenly. Some of them are weaknesses on one side of the body, difficulty speaking, visual impairments, and severe headaches.
In addition, other conditions that may be related to stroke and should be watched out for are an incommensurate smile and body movements. If you or other people experience these symptoms, you should immediately check yourself in order to get quick and proper medical treatment.