Check Accounts Today! THR For Civil Servants To Retirement Already Disbursed Rp18.95 Trillion

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance reported that until March 17, 2025 at 11.30 WIB, the realization of the 2025 holiday allowance payment (THR) amounted to Rp18.95 trillion for State Civil Apparatus (ASN), Officials, TNI/Polri, and retirees.
Meanwhile, the realization of the budget for THR consists of an allocation for payments for State Apparatus to the Central Government worth Rp7.16 trillion for 1,199,793 employees/personnel and Retirement who are targeted at Rp11.78 trillion for 3,643,828 retirees.
Head of the Communication and Information Services Bureau of the Ministry of Finance Deni Surjantoro detailed the realization of THR payments for State Apparatus to the Central Government consisting of THR PNS payments of Rp3.74 trillion for 401,050 employees.
Then, the payment of THR PPPK amounted to Rp160.56 billion for 42,116 employees, THR payments for POLR members amounting to Rp1.42 trillion for 358,294 personnel/employees.
The following is for the payment of THR TNI Soldiers amounting to Rp1.6 trillion for 324,471 personnel/employees, and the payment of THR VATPN of Rp244.26 billion for 73,862 employees.
"Overall, the number of satkers that have been paid is 5,798 (65 percent) out of 8,852 satkers. The number of KL who have submitted THR is 73 K/L (77 percent) from 95 KL," he told VOI, Monday, March 17.
Meanwhile, Deni conveyed that the pension THR payment was disbursed by SP2D to the channeling bank on March 17, 2025 and would be distributed to each recipient.
The target for paying THR for retirees is IDR 11.786 trillion for 3,643,828 retirees, with details of PT Taspen of IDR 10.35 trillion for 3,146,637 retirees and PT Asabri of IDR 1.43 trillion for 497,191 retirees.