Geographic Scope Space: Substances And Study Objects

YOGYAKARTA - For those of you who want to understand more about geography, it would be better if you also study the scope of the study. The scope of geography is divided into three things, including definitions, substance, and object of the study of geography.

Quoted from the book Geographic: Earth and Universe Explore for the Class X SMA/MA (2007) written by Hartono, below is a complete explanation of the scope of geography.

As we have learned in high school, geography is social science that discusses or studies phenomena on Earth or the geosphere in relation to several aspects of space, environment, and region.

Geographical comes from Greek, geo, which means "earth and graphein" which means writing. So literally, geography is an inscription about the earth. Hence geography is often referred to as earth science or knowledge that studies about earth.

However, there are some geographers who have different perspectives regarding the definition of geography. Check out the following explanation:

The scope of regional geography includes a comprehensive description of the physical and human aspects of spatial relations in an area. The social or human geography discusses the entire aspect of space on the Earth's surface, and humans as its main object. Meanwhile, physical geography is a branch of geography that studies physical symptoms, such as soil, water, and air, on the Earth's surface.

The scope of this geography has several substance points, including:

As for conceptually, you will get two objects in geography, including:

The formal object of geography is the perspective and way of thinking about the symptoms that exist on the Earth's surface. These symptoms are in the form of physical or social conditions. The geographical perspective of this formal object includes several things, including the relationship of phenomena on Earth, the spread of certain symptoms on the Earth's surface, and the changes that occur.

Geographical material objects are a geosphere consisting of a lithosphere (Earth skin layer), atmosphere (air coating), hydrosphere (water coating), biosphere (animal or plant coating), and anthroposphere (human coating). In that context, material objects in this geography study the connection and influence between physical and human factors.

That's the explanation of the scope of geography. Hopefully useful. Visit to get other interesting information.