Different Opinions Of Political Parties Discuss PBNU's Proposal On Indirect Elections

JAKARTA - The Executive Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) recommended that the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) return to be the highest institution. That way, automatically the presidential election will no longer be elected by the people but by the MPR.

The Chairperson of the PDIP DPP Puan Maharani, assessed that the proposal must have a prior review of the PBNU recommendation to restore the presidential election by the MPR.

Puan said that the recommendation would later be discussed in the relevant commission to see whether the presidential election through the MPR was useful and beneficial or the opposite, namely to make Indonesian democracy fall backward.

"That will be discussed in Commission II, the discourse is still a discourse that we have to look at. Are we going back to backwards? Will that be of benefit and benefit in the future?", Said Puan at the DPR Building, the Senayan Parliament Complex. , Jakarta, Thursday, November 28.

The chairman of the DPR admitted that he was reluctant to respond to more questions about these recommendations. Because later the PBNU recommendation must go through a study. However, Puan emphasized that the direct elections that have been held so far have gone well.

"But we have conducted direct elections many times and we have run well and smoothly. Even though there are cases that are not according to our expectations. That does not mean the election is not going well and smoothly," he explained.

Meanwhile, PKB Deputy Chairperson Jazilul Fawaid said that his party accepted PBNU's input regarding the presidential election being returned to the MPR.

PKB Deputy Chairperson Jazilul Fawaid (Mery Handayani / VOI)

According to Jazilul, the PKB faction in the Parliament would see the PBNU recommendation as advice that needs to be considered both good and bad. PKB will also ensure that the PBNU recommendation can be accepted by all factions.

"Of course the PKB faction will accept this as input, as advice and at the same time we will think about whether later the idea or direction from the PBNU will be accepted from all existing factions," he said.

Jazilul said that if later the PBNU recommendation for the president to be elected by the MPR could be accepted, it meant that PKB succeeded in convincing all factions.

"If all the existing factions accept it means that the PKB succeeded in convincing the PBNU recommendations," he explained.

It is different from the two parties above. The party made by Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) made a firm refusal. Chairman of the DPP Democrat Party, Jansen Sitindaon, said that the people's right to directly elect their leaders should not be revoked or canceled.

"Simply put, at the practical level, if the President is re-elected by the MPR, it will be only 9 party chairpersons in parliament alone. How come this country with a population of 260 million will determine only 9 people," said Jansen.

Jansen explained that directly electing the President was one of the political rights that was lost in the New Order era. He considered, by returning the presidential election to the MPR, Indonesia would experience setbacks.

"If there are shortcomings in this direct election, we will fix it. Not 'gebyah uyah' is returned to the MPR. For example, the matter of money politics or high-cost politics. What we are strengthening the supervisory institution," he said.

"Is there a guarantee that if elected by the MPR, it will be free of money politics?" He continued.

According to Jansen, if there is a concern that the next election will be hot like the 2019 presidential election. So what must be done is to determine the presidential threshold, so that many candidates will emerge. That way, the community has many alternative choices.

"(The public) will also not be divided into just two groups like yesterday. In addition, the elections are separated again, not like yesterday the legislative and presidential elections were made together. One type of election has made it hot, let alone two types of elections combined. So we Democrats refuse, return back The sovereignty of the people elects the President in the hands of the MPR. If there is a shortage, let us fix it, "he explained.

For your information, PBNU's recommendation was conveyed directly by PBNU Chairman Said Aqil when he received a visit from the MPR leadership at PBNU regarding the amandaen of the 1945 Constitution.

Said said that this recommendation departed from the reality of high-cost elections. In addition, a direct presidential election can also cause turmoil in a society that is divided by different choices.