Examples Of Land Pollution That Often OCCUR

YOGYAKARTA Land pollution is one of the topics that people rarely talk about in the topic of environmental pollution. In fact, pollution in the ground is no less dangerous than other types of pollution. To avoid danger, people need to get the right education, including knowing what examples of land pollution may occur.

Reporting from the Land Pollution Study as Materials for Financing Environmentally Friendly Technology Topics for Junior High School Students published in the MIPA Education Journal, soil pollution is the entry of polluting materials into the soil. The polluting material then changes the natural conditions of the soil environment.

Land pollution occurs due to human activity. Here are some examples of activities that pollute the soil.

This pollution is caused by the disposal of factory waste that contains chemicals into the soil area directly. This means that there is no proper waste treatment. The impact of this pollution can reduce enthusiasm, to termination of groundwater.

Did you know that hoarding plastic is an activity that pollutes the soil? As is known, plastic is not decomposed in the soil in a short time. As a result, plastic substances such as polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) will be soiled. The impact can be extensive, including turning off soil animals.

These two substances are often used in agriculture. Unfortunately, pesticides and herbisides can be quite dangerous for soil life. For example, these two substances can kill soil organisms that are useful for the environment.

Household waste is a polluted substance that results from household activities such as washing, making batteries, and so on. There are many polluted substances that result from household activities such as phosphates from detergents, hydrocarbon oil from used oils, heavy metals from batteries, and many more.

Land pollution can occur due to the disposal of medical waste from hospitals such as expired drug disposal. Medical waste must be processed so that no chemistry is absorbed by the soil. Examples of substances that will contaminate soil from the hospital are formalin, antibiotics, and so on.

Leaks in nuclear waste have a fairly high level of danger. Nuclear waste must be managed very well so that radioactive from nuclear reactors do not spread anywhere including to the ground. The danger is again, nuclear radiation will trigger genetic mutations, health problems, and ecosystem pollution including soil for a long time.

Examples of polluting substances are Uranium (U), plutonium (Pu), and cesium (Cs). When the substance pollutes, it is necessary to clean up for a long time at large costs.

Those are some examples of soil pollution. Visit VOI.id to get more interesting information.