Profile Of Widi Hartoto Corsec BJB Suspect Of Advertising Corruption, Has Assets Of IDR 2.4 Billion

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has named five suspects in the alleged corruption case of advertising at PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat and Banten (BJB) for the period 2021-2023, Thursday. One of the suspects is the former Corporate Secretary secretary (corsec) BJB, Widi Hartoto, who owns assets of IDR 2.4 billion.

Reporting from Antara, Widi became a suspect in his capacity as the head of the Corporate Secretary Division and has the status of a Commitment Making Officer (PPK) in establishing an advertising contract with six appointed agencies.

The six agencies are PT Cipta Karya Sukses Bersama (CKSB), PT Antedja Muliatama (AM), PT Cakrawala Kreasi Mandiri (CKM), PT Wahana Semesta Bandung Ekspres (WSBE), PT BSC Advertising (BSCA), and PT Cipta Karya Mandiri Bersama (CKMB).

So, who is the figure of Widi Hartoto who is now a suspect? Here's the profile.

Widi was registered as an Indonesian citizen who was born in Jakarta in 1979.

In 2004, he joined BJB and held several positions, one of which was the Deputy Leader of the Corporate Secretary Division from December 2017 to February 2020.

After that, he served as Head of the Corporate Secretary Division until his position was replaced by Ayi Subarna since October 28, 2024.


Based on the LHKPN page, Widi last reported his assets as the head of the PT Bank BJB division on December 31, 2023.

The total reported assets amounted to Rp2,422,686,987 with the following details:

A. Land and Building with a total value of Rp. 4,300,000,000 1. Land and buildings covering an area of 133 m2/68 m2 in Bandung Regency/City worth Rp. 1,500,000,000 which is claimed to be the result itself. 2. Land covering an area of 300 m2 in Bandung Regency/City worth Rp. 2,800,000,000 which is said to be the result itself.

B. Transportation and Machinery equipment with a value of IDR 57,000,000 1. Vespa Sprint S 150 TFT 2021 motorbikes worth IDR 57,000,000 which is claimed to be the result itself.

C. Kas and Setara Kas worth IDR 25,000,000

Sub Total: IDR 4,382,000,000

In addition, Widi is recorded as having a total debt of IDR 1,959,313,013.