Indian PM Narendra Modi Admits The COVID-19 Tsunami Has Depressed Himself

JAKARTA - Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday, April 25 urged all citizens to receive an injection of the COVID-19 vaccine. Modi, on that occasion also acknowledged how much the COVID-19 tsunami shook him.

Modi called on the public to be careful, saying a "storm" of infections has rocked India. India has reported more than 300,000 new cases every day for the past four days.

That figure is more than anywhere else in the world since the pandemic began. The COVID-19 tsunami added to the pressure on the public health system.

"Our spirits are high after successfully tackling the first wave", Modi said in a radio address. "But this storm has rocked the nation."

The storm of new coronavirus infections occurred as India complained to open restrictions after overcoming the first wave of infections. Millions of residents are allowed to attend Hindu ceremonies by immersing themselves in the Ganges without masks and without keeping their distance.