How To Carry Out True Angelus Prayers And According To Teachings

YOGYAKARTA - The Angel prayer, or the Prayer of God's Angel, is one of the traditions of the prayers of Catholics that are rich in meaning. However, not all people know and understand how to carry out the Angelus Prayer which is in accordance with guidance.

The Angelus Prayer tradition has been passed down from generation to generation, a reminder of Maria's humility and great love for mankind. Through this prayer, Catholics are invited to reflect on the mystery of Incarnation and live up to Maria's role.

Reporting from Wikipedia, the Angelus Prayer, which is also known as the Prayer of God's Angel, is a form of devotion aimed at respecting the Incarnation event, which is when God is transformed into a human.

The term "Angelus" itself is taken from the first word in this prayer in Latin. The history of this prayer tradition began in Parma in 1318.

The Angelus prayer began to be read when it was determined that the faithful must perform three times the prayers of our Father and three times the prayer of Salam Maria to ask for peace.

The Bell used to mark the time of this prayer is known as the "Loncep of Peace". A similar determination was also made by Archbishop Arundel in 1399.

Then the bell that is sounded during the day initially serves to invite the faithful to reflect on the suffering of Jesus, and only sound on Friday. However, over time, this tradition is expanded so that the bell is also sounded on other days.

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Initially, Angelus' prayer only consisted of the first part of the prayer of Salam Maria which was repeated three times. This prayer was offered to ask for victory for the soldiers of the Cross who were at war at that time.

The tradition of reading the Angelus Prayer is carried out three times a day, in the morning, afternoon, and evening, which is marked by the sound of a bell. Angelus' prayer consists of a series of three times Salam Maria prayers, which are separated by verses, answers, and a closing prayer.

Reporting from the Legio Maria Senate page of Spiritual Work, here are the readings of the Angelus Prayer or the Prayer of the True God's Angel:

Maria was given the news by the angel of God/

That he will contain from the Spirit of Kudus//

Salam Maria

I am a servant of God/


Salam Maria

Sabda sudah menjadi daging/

And live between us//

Salam Maria

Pray for us, ya Santa Mother of Allah/

So that we can enjoy Christ's promise//

Let's pray...

O Allah, because of the news of the angel/

we know that Jesus Christ Your Son is a human//

Culangkan kematan-Mu ke dalam hati kami/

so that because of His suffering and cross/

we were brought to a noble revival//

Because He is God/

Our introduction//


Angelus' prayer, sung at three different times a day, has deep meaning related to important events in Christian faith, here are some of them:

This prayer is intended to commemorate the awakening of Jesus Christ. At the beginning of the day, Christians were invited to start activities with the spirit of revival, realizing the presence of a living Christ.

In the middle of the day, Angelus' prayer invites people to reflect on the suffering of Christ. In the midst of busyness and challenges of work, this prayer is a reminder of the sacrifice of Christ which is a source of strength.

Finally, before the break time, Angelus' prayer was intended to honor the incarnation, namely the events of Allah being a human being.

This prayer affirms the belief that Allah is always present and with His people at all times.

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