Invite The Community To 'Raise Prayers' For The Crew Of KRI Naggala-402, Minister: May They Be Recorded As Martyrs
JAKARTA - The Minister of Religion, Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, urged the public to 'raise a prayer' for all the crew of the KRI Nanggala-402 who are still in search after being declared subsunk (drowned).
"As the Minister of Religion and General Chairperson of the DPP GP Ansor, he expressed his deepest sympathy for the families of the crew of the Nanggala 402 ship who have yet to be found. We wish the soldiers of KRI Nanggala-402 the best from Allah SWT," said the Minister of Religion in a written statement. Between, Sunday. April 25th.
Yaqut also hopes that the entire family of the KRI Nanggala-402 soldiers will be given patience and fortitude in facing these tests.
For the Minister of Religion, the sinking of the KRI Nanggala-402 is sad news not only for the families of the crew and the TNI, but grief for all Indonesian people.
"Hopefully, they are all listed as martyrs and nation fighters. Their families will always be given patience and fortitude. Aamiin," he said.
Previously, the West German-made submarine in 1981 lost contact while practicing missile fire in Bali waters.
Chief of Navy Staff Admiral Yudi Margono explained that the submarine's last contact was recorded on Wednesday (21/4) at 03.00 WIB shortly before diving.
Until 03.30 WIB, the submarine's bow deck could still be seen by the sea rider team from a distance of 50 meters.
Furthermore, starting at 03.46 WIB KRI Nanggala-402 began diving and was not visible on the surface of the sea water. Since then, KRI Nanggala-402 has not responded even though it continues to be monitored
The KRI Nanggala-402 should have surfaced on Wednesday (21/4) at 05.15 WIB. But until now, the existence of the submarine is still being searched.
Yudo said the components attached to the submarine and believed to be part of KRI Nanggala-402 had been found during the search for KRI Nanggala-402.
"These components are in the form of torpedo tube straighteners, grease (submarine lubricant), prayer mats and some shrinking sponges," he said.