In Jakarta, There Are 521 People Doing Self Isolation Against COVID-19

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has released the development of the corona virus or COVID-19 case. Based on data as of April 13 at 08.00 WIB, positive cases in Jakarta reached 2,242 patients, or an increase of 160 cases per day.

There are more positive patients who are male than female. As many as 55.76 percent of positive patients were male, then 40.11 percent were female, and the remaining 4.13 percent was unknown.

Of the total cases that have tested positive, as many as 1,370 people were hospitalized, 521 people went into independent isolation, 142 people were declared cured, and 209 people died.

Most of the confirmed positive patients were domiciled in Pegadungan Village, Kalideres, West Jakarta with 28 cases. The second place is Pondok Kelapa, Duren Sawit, East Jakarta with 25 cases. Furthermore, in Pondok Pinang, Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta with 24 positive cases.

Furthermore, today there are 11 additional patients under surveillance (PDP), bringing the total to 2,405 patients. Meanwhile, the number of people under monitoring (ODP) increased by 20 to 2,917 people.

At present, DKI has implemented the Social Restriction Status with Big Brother (PSBB). The PSBB is valid for 2 weeks, 10-23 April, and can be extended.

In implementing the PSBB, DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan prohibited people from gathering more than five people in public places. The goal is to reduce the potential for interactions that can spread the virus.

Anies also extended the policy period for implementing work and studying at home, stopping religious activities, closing tourist attractions, and limiting the intensity of transportation.

Work that is still allowed to move outside

There are several sectors of work that are still allowed to have activities in the workplace, namely all government offices, both central and regional, representative offices of foreign countries or international organizations, and State / Regional Owned Enterprises.

Then, several business actors or private offices that are still allowed to carry out activities include:

1. health 2. food / food / beverage ingredients 3. energy4. communication and information technology 5. finance6. logistics7. Hospitality8. construction9. strategic industry 10. basic services, public utilities and industries designated as national vital objects and certain objects 11. daily necessities

In addition, local and international community organizations engaged in the disaster and / or social sectors are still allowed to operate.

Food, food, or beverage businesses such as restaurants are still allowed to operate, but all purchases must be wrapped and no one is allowed to eat the food on site.

Restaurant owners must apply the principle of keeping the queue standing and sitting at least one meter between customers. Then, apply the principles of food sanitation in the food handling process according to the provisions.

Especially for construction work, Anies asked construction workers to remain in the project environment. So that workers do not go out of the project environment, Anies asked the manager to prepare a place to live, eat, drink and health facilities.

Transport restrictions

Anies did not prohibit transportation access, both from Jakarta to outside the region and vice versa. Then, private vehicles that are still allowed to travel are only to fulfill basic needs and do work for a number of work sectors that are still allowed to operate outside. This applies to two-wheeled vehicles and four or more wheels.

Meanwhile, for four-wheeled vehicles or more, the number of passengers is reduced by 50 percent. "If the number of seats in the car is 6 people, it can be for 3 people, and everyone must wear a mask," said Anies.

Then, two-wheeled transportation such as online motorcycle taxis is prohibited from carrying people (passengers). "We arrange motorcycle taxis in accordance with the guidelines, namely goods expedition services including application-based two-wheeled transportation facilities with restrictions only for carrying goods and not for transporting passengers," said Anies.

In addition, Anies requires all vehicles, both public and private modes of transportation to reduce the number of passengers by 50 percent in one vehicle. Then, all public transportation experiences a reduction in operating time, which starts at 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. WIB.