Bank Banten And BRI Strengthen Synergy And Strategic Cooperation

SERANG - PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Banten Tbk (Bank Banten) has again shown its commitment to continue to grow and develop. Bank Banten is following up the strategic partnership by cooperating with BRI.

The meeting with the Directors of BRI and the Business Group was held on Thursday, 22 April. The management of Bank Banten was welcomed by Deputy Director of BRI Catur Budi Harto, Director of Finance Viviana Dyah Ayu Retno K. Present Director of Bank Banten Agus Syabarrudin along with Directors Kemal Idris and Cendria Tj Tasdik accompanied by President Commissioner Hasanuddin.

Agus said the meeting this time was a follow-up and joint commitment to build synergies and mutually beneficial strategic partnerships between BRI and Bank Banten.

"God willing, in the future, Bank BRI and Bank Banten will continue to strengthen cooperation, which includes the development of human capital, information technology, governance, liquidity and other strategic partnerships.

Bank Banten has built communication not only with BRI but its business group. The Board of Directors of Bank Banten also continued a meeting with one of the BRI business groups, namely BRI Danareksa.

During the meeting with the Boumediene Sihombing and Muhammad Adib Directors, initial communication was established and the submission of several plans and potential collaborations.

Meanwhile, President Director of Bank Banten Agus, on a separate occasion, said that the synergy with BRI and the business group is an effort that is in line with the spirit of Bank Banten to continue to improve performance.

"As a Regional Development Bank owned by the Provincial Government of Banten, supported by the BRI Bank ecosystem, we are ready to carry out transformation through improved performance, strengthening liquidity, capital and human capital capacity and capabilities while maintaining the trust of all stakeholders through the implementation of good corporate governance and strengthening. risk management, "he explained.

Agus also conveyed plans to strengthen capital through the implementation of Limited Public Offering (PUT) VII, digital transformation and business expansion.

"We continue to establish communication, synergy and strategic cooperation with all stakeholders to continue to provide the best performance and added value and to make Bank Banten the proud bank of the people of Banten," he said.