Porsche Driver Breaks TransJakarta Route Arrested

JAKARTA - The Traffic Directorate Team of Polda Metro Jaya secured the driver of a Porsche car that went viral for crossing the TransJakarta route. The driver was secured after the car was tracked down.

"Yes, it's true, it has been secured," said Traffic Director of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo to VOI, Saturday, April 24.

However, Sambodo did not want to elaborate on the details of the process of arresting the Porsche driver. The rider is still undergoing an examination.

The police previously searched CCTV to track the whereabouts of a Porsche car that went viral on social media because it crossed the TransJakarta route. This method is done because there are no e-TLE cameras around the location.

Meanwhile, Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria asked the Porsche driver to report himself to the police and apologized to the public.

"We want those concerned and the awareness to convey themselves, there is no need to seek, be chased. God willing, we pray that those concerned will come and report and apologize to all of us," said Riza.

In Article 90 paragraph (1) of DKI Jakarta Regional Regulation Number 5 of 2014 concerning Transportation, vehicles that violate the busway lane are subject to a maximum imprisonment of 2 months and / or a maximum fine of IDR 50 million.