Two Ways The Police Can Track Down Who Is Driving A Viral Porsche Through The TransJakarta Route

JAKARTA - Porsche car drivers have suddenly gone viral on social media. This is because he broke through or crossed the TransJakarta route, which was not his designation. The action became a concern because Porsche car drivers had asked the TransJakarta bus driver to back off.

Waving his hand, the luxury car driver asked the TransJakarta bus driver to get off the lane. At that time the Porsche was stuck in traffic. However, the request was ignored.

The police have also stepped in to track down the luxury car. Although there has been no significant development. "It is still being traced by the Porsche car," said Head of Subdit Gakkum Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Fahri Siregar to VOI, Friday, April 23.

The tracing ran into a few obstacles because the road section of Jalan Sultan Iskandar Muda, Gandaria, South Jakarta, which was the location where the violation occurred, had not yet installed e-TLE. So, you cannot quickly identify the driver and vehicle identity. Moreover, the video in circulation does not display the luxury car's police number at all.

However, Polda Metro Jaya Traffic Director Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo emphasized that he would do various ways to track the Porsche's whereabouts. The reason is that all violations must be dealt with in accordance with applicable regulations.

Sambodo said, the old methods will be carried out. For example, asking for witness testimony and looking for CCTV installed around the location.

"We will find out from the witnesses and CCTV of the community around the location," said Sambodo.

Meanwhile, Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria, who responded to the viral action, said that Porsche car drivers were only asked to surrender and apologize. So, the police do not need to find out where it is.

"We want those concerned and the awareness to convey it ourselves, there is no need to be looked for, chased. God willing, we hope that those concerned will come and report and apologize to all of us," said Riza at the City Hall of DKI Jakarta.

In Article 90 paragraph (1) of DKI Jakarta Regional Regulation Number 5 of 2014 concerning Transportation, vehicles that violate the busway lane are subject to a maximum imprisonment of 2 months and / or a maximum fine of IDR 50 million.

For the violation, Riza asked the Porshce driver to wake up and report himself. "If not, the Department of Transportation will take steps so that this does not happen again," he said.