Bobby Nasution Dismissed The Head Of The Medan Health Office Who Was Judged To Be Slow

MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution removed the Head of Medan City Health Service (Kadis) Edwin Effendi because he was deemed slow in overcoming the handling of COVID-19.

"Yes (removed). I have reminded many times about this COVID-19, and it has become our program to be resolved immediately," said Bobby as quoted by Antara, Friday, April 23.

Bobby explained that since the beginning he served as Mayor of Medan, health problems have become one of the five priority programs of the Medan City Government that must be handled.

President Joko Widodo's son-in-law has repeatedly asked the Health Office to collect data and handle it, but the institution's performance has not been satisfactory.

To carry out the functions of the Health Office, currently the Head of the Office is carried out by Syamsul Nasution, who previously served as Deputy Director of the Pirngadi Medan Regional Hospital.

"So this is just for our acceleration, so that health problems, especially COVID-19, can be quickly resolved," said Bobby Nasution.

Bobby Nasution previously confirmed that Medan was no longer in the red zone for COVID-19. Currently Medan is included in the category of a moderate risk zone for the spread of COVID-19 or commonly known as the orange zone.

This was conveyed by Bobby in front of the Governor of North Sumatra Edy Rahmayadi when discussing PPKM Micro some time ago.

Bobby Nasution ensured that Pemko Medan followed PPKM rules. Bobby touched on the crowd affairs of Kesawan City Walk.

"Currently, Medan City continues to follow PPKM rules. Especially in the Kesawan City Walk (KCW) area, the implementation of health protocols is very strict. Pemko Medan will continue to strive so that the implementation of prokes at KCW is increasingly tightened, especially during operational hours, "said Bobby.