Singapore-Denpasar Flights Will Open Again In May, But Not For Tourists

DENPASAR - Planned regular flights from Singapore to Denpasar, Bali, will resume operations on May 4. The operating airline is Singapore Airlines.

"It is true that there are regular international flight plans from Singapore Airlines on the Singapore-Denpasar route," said Head of the Air Transport Section of the Airport Authority Region IV Puguh Lukito, when contacted on Friday, April 23.

Later the Singapore Airlines flight to Denpasar is scheduled for two times a week.

"Based on the letter we received, the results of yesterday's meeting were delivered twice a week," he added.

This flight is only for holders of temporary residence permit (KITAS), permanent residence permit (KITAP), family diplomats, ambassadors, medical personnel and business people.

"For a tourist visit I think (not) because Permenkumham (Number 26 of 2020 concerning visas and residence permits in the adaptation period for new habits) has not been revoked," said Puguh Lukito.

This Singapore Airlines flight is the beginning of the entry of international flights since April 9, 2020.

Meanwhile, confirmed separately, the Head of the Bali Provincial Tourism Office, Putu Astawa, said that the flight was not for tourists but for business travelers.

"Not a tourist. That's a business passenger," said Astawa.